Chapter 5: Still Trapped but not alone.

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-Narrator: They were wonderful ! Didn't they Steven ? I never saw a couple that cute in years !

-Steven: ... with a happy face 

-Narrator: Yeah they do make smile, and god they were beautiful ! They're making me think about my sexuality. Anyway Steven where are we going now, let's try to find one of your coworkers. Do you have any names in mind ?

Steven's taking out a Japanese notebook and wrote something on it with a kawaii animation, he shows it to the Narrator with the name "Michael" on it.

-Narrator: Okay let's find Michael then ! How do he looks ?

Steven wrote a description : He's a young man with dark hair and pretty brown eyes, tall, with a purple shirt and a yellow badge reminding him his first job. His full name is Michael Afton

-Narrator: Okay here we go ! Let's begin with the 2-A corridor and see what we can find.

During this time a meeting was happening in a dark room around a big circle table ,lightened with a shitty light. Around this table the darkest spirits were arguing. This meeting happened in a place no one knows exactly where it was. But enough description I'm letting you all with this little discussion. 

Yeah that rhyme I know I'm too good.

-INK DEMON (with a dark deep monster voice): ENOUGH GUYS .... THIS IS ENOUGH ! WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE !

-Joker: Would you please sir talk normally, before I explode your inky head with dynamite.


-Joker: You do really want to explode, you black inky bitch.


-8BITRYAN (the British YouTuber): Come on guys chill out, take some tea that'll calm you.

-Mario Mx:(from the creepy pasta)imagine him with a deep voice but an Italian accent still. Sure why not ? I'll take an earl grey, and do you have some cheesecake ?

-Freddy Fazbear: I would like some ! 

-Gabriel the soul inside him: Erk tea, why do you make me drink that stupid British robot.

-Dawko (again a British YouTuber but with a Scottish accent): Anyway he said while slurping How are you all guys doing ?

-.EXE:  We aren't here because we're doing good Dawko. We have noticed Intruders , they fed the backrooms entities and now they aren't under our control anymore, they're destroying everything they see and they killed boyfriend this little child thought it was a good idea to beatboxing with them. I also heard, that they've met Joey...


-.EXE: I don't know either but we have 3 persons to find, and we have no idea of their localisation.

-???: What about about you go search for them instead of complaining ?

-.EXE: I'm sorry boss but this place is huge it's hard to find anyone.

-Bendy: What about you go search for your dad who didn't came back with the milk ?

Everybody turned around and watched the little inky character laughing. That was indeed a good joke so everyone laughed too.

-???: Good joke Bendy I'm giving you the point, then what about you go do some bitches ?

Everyone laughed again.

-???: Okay enough fun if you .EXE can't find theses intruders then Bendy you'll do it. Trick them into our headquarters I'll talk to them. The meeting is over. .EXE say to the idiots who didn't came today to be here the next time.

So because no one finished his tea yet when the boss said to get out they all stayed to finish their cup in a dark silence. 

Anyway back with Steven and the marvellous and beautiful Narrator (someone had to say it sorry) the two friends were arriving into a library but not a normal one a MANGA library. So as a big fan of mangas the Narrator went into something like this.

-Narrator: Oh my dear look where we are Steven, I'm beginning to hecking love this place after all. Look they have Spy family, Chainsaw man and even Evangelion. OH HECK THERE IS JOJO !

-Steven: ... (pointing his finger in the direction of a man with a purple shirt) He blushed.

-Narrator: Oh Here he is ! HEEYYY MICHAELLLL

Michael turns in the Steven direction

-Michael: Hey Steven ! I'm Glad to see you here !

AND THIS IS THE END OF THE CHAPTER ! I hope you liked it, again this was a shorter chapter but i hope this dark turn wasn't that bad and that you'll get most of the references. Tell me if you have any advices and prepare yourself  to see  Steven and the Narrator falling into some troubles.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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