the portal

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I have read many reincarnation stories in my time considering it was my favorite type of story to read but none were as cruel and sad as the one I lived. I had died a painful and agonizing death but when I awoke I was somewhere new. I didn't know where till I was told of my new name but this isn't about that or even about my time spent in my old multiverse it collapsed and died when the balance was tipped anyway. no this is a story about what come's next what came after my multiverse died and I was left to float forever in the void only to be yanked away from that as well and tasked with saving someone else's multiverse when I failed so miserably at doing so with mine. but enough talk lets start from the very beginning...


"Peter! wake up! hurry or we will be late!" screamed a voice. I knew this was a dream...they were dead. who....who is dead? I can't seem to remember....

"cmon silly get up! I'm going to leave without you if you don't hurry." they spoke once more. in that moment I felt my eyes open but all I could see was a bright light and a silhouette of a woman. 

"cmon! stop being so lazy!" at this point I tried desperately to get up I didn't know why. I knew them or their voice but for some reason I couldn't remember who they were. I knew I wanted to be with them more than anything. I pushed myself up but when I tried to reach them they started drifting further and further from my reach.

"thats it I knew you could do it ------ hurry up and find me!" they said. I knew they said my name like before but .... I couldn't hear....what was my name? who are they? where am I? 

unanswered questions appeared in my head but I ignored them instead I chased after the only thing I knew in this moment. I wanted to be with whoever it was that was calling me. I chased them nonstop even when I could no longer see them I still chased the place I saw them last. I don't know how long I ran but I never stopped I just kept going and going and going and-


what was I saying? why am I running? I?

before I could ask anything else I saw many beautifully colored portals I went to admire them but then I noticed a girl run through one. I didn't understand why but I felt like needed to follow her through. she went through rainbow portal but as soon as she passed through it, it disappeared. the only other portal was a purple and cyan one. I cautiously examined it walking behind and in front of it I didn't know what to do when a strange force forcefully pulled me closer and closer to the portal till I was inside. when it was over and I passed through all I could see was dead grass dead bodies and a strange statue. 


where am I now?     

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