my new purpose

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I continued pretending I was asleep even when they placed me on a table even when I could feel there worry growing if I would ever wake up. 

"sci...we didn't....put him in a coma by bringing him here.....did we?" ink asked scared though I could tell sci seemed to be in a much more concerning state. 

"its a possibility but I-I-I know nothing went wrong when bringing him here what could have gone wrong!?" sci almost screamed in frustration and worry making everyone else scared. 

"um maybe he's just sleepy?" blue helpfully added but it didn't change any of their perceptions on what was happening instead they just became more worried. maybe I should wake up now? I haven't until now because I didn't know what we would even talk about but now I think it would be better to pretend to wake up. 

so I did just that. I groaned and gained all of the attention of everyone present in the room as they waited for me to wake up in anticipation. then slowly I opened my single eye light fluttering it slightly to not seem wide awake. the first person to be by my side was dream helpfully holding up my back as I tried to get up. he seemed a lot more kind than my own brother but I didn't fully know him so I don't truly know. 

"easy brother don't get up too fast we still don't know if there are any side affects to you coming here." dream said softly. all I could do was look at him in confusion. 

"where am I? why...why are you being so...nice? why aren't you all attacking me yet?" I asked. I knew why they needed me for something but I needed to sound confused. after hearing what I said dream seemed to wince in discomfort and so did everyone else. 

"um brother....what do I normally do when I see you?" dream asked almost scared. I didn't know how this information was relevant to understanding the 'bad sanses' but I decided it might be useful to them so I was as truthful as possible. 

"you attack me of course...your acting strange dream are you alright?" I asked in concern. this seemed to make dream almost sick the others looking sadly at me. 

"I-I would never hurt you unless I had to! unless you were hurting innocent souls but I would never just attack you...would I?" dream asked me. 

"you would....I have never hurt innocent souls dream you know that I just do my job...why are you asking something so obvious?" I asked back in turn. this revelation saddened him greatly it seemed. 

"well I will never do it again brother I promise ok?" dream said holding his pinky finger up to me. I was now greatly confused where they not going to interrogate me? without much thought I put my pinky against his and we made a pinky promise though I was still confused. 

"...alright...but why am I here? in the lab? were you healing me? I'm sorry brother but I do not deserve that and you know it if I had been able to convince you of the balance sooner you wouldn't have-" I stopped mid sentence. 

"you aren't my brother." I said matter of factly. I needed to get straight to the point and if that required me to lie and find a way to force them to do it then so be it. 

"wha- o-of course I am! what made you think I wasn't?" he asked nervously.

"your dead." I said in a deadpan. 

"and so are they, everyone is dead and....I should be too." I answered. this seemed to shock them but I needed a way to explain my multiverses circumstances without letting them know I was eavesdropping in on there conversation who knows what they will do to me if they found out? in the worse case scenario I could just distract them while I run away but I don't know enough about where I am and what kind of multiverse this is for me to safely say I would be able to escape. 

"everyone is what!?" ink blue dream and sci yelled at once. 

"dead." I deadpanned. ok ok I know not a good joke. 

"h-how did that happen!?" ink asked me in a panic. 

"you" I pointed to dream. 

"wouldn't listen to me about the balance in emotions and about the correct way to spread positivity that didn't require as much work in the end you died due to lack in positivity and no matter how much I tried to slow down the flow in negativity you ended up dying." I said to dream. 

"you" I pointed to ink.

"wouldn't stop creating when error died, since there was no longer any positivity he like many others who didn't lose there emotions all together committed suicide. you tried to help by making aus that you thought would be able to help the circumstances but that didn't work and  because there was no longer anyone to make space for more something only error could do the aus ended up crashing together and they started to fall into the void." I said to ink. 

"blue sci and many others died as well though I don't know how since I wasn't there but I know I died too. the last thing I remember is the au I was in crumbling and falling into the void." I said with practically no emotion in my facial expression. 

ink out of nowhere started crying and dream hugged me tight mumbling apologies and I'll do betters sci and blue hugged each other as well in shock and also great fear of what could have been. 

"I'm sorry brother! for my ignorance and stupidity of course I still wasn't there for you in your time of need once again......I promise you that I will no longer be such a disappointment I swear it." dream whispered. 

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