Leigh's Birth Plan

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I mention this in chapter 37, and I'm curious to see how far we stray from it.. so here is her birth plan for anyone who is curious! Let's see what happens..

Name: Leighton Rae Fox

Expected Due Date: December 5th 2020

Doctor/midwife contact info: Melinda Hughes (xxx)-xxx-xxxx

Pediatrician: Jolina Hopee (xxx)-xxx-xxxx

For labor I'd like the following people to be present

Name: Gabriel Bennett
relation: Baby Daddy

Name: Logan Fox
relation: Maternal brother

Name: Samuel Golbach
relation: maternal friend

Name: Katrina Stuart
relation: maternal friend

I prefer the atmosphere to be

■ quiet and as few interruptions as possible

■ light dimed

■ few vaginal exams as possible

□ limited staff (no students, interns, residents)

■ to where my own clothes

? a mirror to view my birth

? I would like to touch my babies head as it crowns

■ to eat and drink if approved by doctor

■ to stay hydrated with: ice water

■ photographed & filmed by: Aaliyah Johnson

□ other requests:

Pain management:

■ do not offer pain medication unless I request it

■ I'd like to use natural pain relief i.e breathing & massages

■ I'd like to be advised by my doctor/midwife

■ Entonax □ Pethadine ■ birthing pool □ tens unit ■ epidural □ other

During Delivery

Delivery planned as

■ Vaginal □ Cesarean Section □ VBAC □ Water birth

Labor/delivery position(s) I prefer if possible

□ Standing □ Squatting □ Kneeling ■ sitting ■ in bed

■ side laying □ birth stool ■ birth ball □ other

I prefer the following props to be available during labor

■ birth ball □ birth stool □ squat bar ■ other: Yoga Mat

Fetal Monitoring

□ Intermittent ■ continuous □ other


□ yes ■ only if necessary

If my baby needs to be sedated due to medical care I would like Gabriel Bennett/Logan Fox to accompany him/her.

Immediately After Delivery

Cord Clamping

□ Delayed for ______ minutes ■ cord stops pulsating

Umbilical cord to be cut by: Gabriel Bennett

Sex announced by: doctor

Postpartum/Newborn care

I would prefer my baby

■ have skin to skin contact before bathing and measuring

□ to be wiped clean before being given to me

I would prefer to deliver the placenta

■ naturally □ managed with an injection

I would like cord blood handed as follows

□ collected as pre-arranged by a medical staff

□ collected as pre-arranged by a specialist

■ not collected

Medications for my baby

■ Erythromycin eye ointment

■ Hepatitis B vaccine

■ vitamin K vaccine

■ please ask me before giving my baby any medications

If my baby is a boy

■ I want him circumcised

□ I don't want him circumcised

Important health information

Group B Strep □ Not tested □ positive ■ negative

Gestational Diabetes □ not tested □ positive ■ negative

Rhesus Negative Blood □ not tested □ positive ■ negative

Other health pregnancy conditions: Preeclampsia

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