Maternity Shoot

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*Colby's POV*

"Mom, don't cry or I'll cry!" Leighton called out, Mrs. Fox wiping away some tears. "I'm sorry baby! It's just.. I never thought I'd make it to see this. To see you pregnant.. to meet my grandchildren.. and here we are. You're taking photos with our little one in there.. I'm just.. I'm feeling grateful"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, startling me, as I watched Leighton do some couple poses with Gabriel.

"How's it going kid?" Mr. Fox asked and I shrugged.

"Alright, how about you?" I tried to do small talk, but we both quickly learned that that was not our style.

"You guys do YouTube don't you?" Mr. Fox asked and I nodded, confused as to where he was going with this. "How is that going? You're quite successful, yeah?" he asked and I desperately looked towards Sam, but he was too busy gawking at Katrina.

"I'd say we're pretty successful. We've made it farther than either Sam and I could imagine. I think it all depends on what you define as success"

"That's true. I used to think I wouldn't get anywhere with my art. I never really did it for monetization though. I think having my little Leigh be into art showed me success" He said, sitting down next to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Leighton loved art since she was little. You couldn't keep her out of the paint or the crayons for the life of us" he laughed. "It's always something we shared together, and I think that showed me what my purpose was with my art. It gave me something to do with my little girl. Some way to spend time with her. I wish she did it more, she truly is talented, but I know it isn't her true passion"

"What is her true passion?" I asked, intrigued now since I thought Leighton was all about art.

"You know, I'm not too sure anymore. When she got swept up in things that weren't good for her, we drifted apart. I stopped getting to know her.. I will say.. you guys changed her. Just want to say thank you" Mr. Fox gave me a small smile with a nod before looking back over towards his daughter.

"What do you mean we changed her?"

"Erm.." He exhaled, looking over towards me. "You didn't hear this from me.. but there was a period of time in her life, where we didn't exist. She didn't want us.. we didn't want her.. it sounds bad.. but we had good intentions. She told you, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"About the drugs, is what you're talking about, right?" I questioned and he nodded, seeming relieved that I knew.

"When we found out, it was really hard. You never get the full story. Everyone has different memories of what happened.. but I think Logan's purpose in life was being there for her. Yes he has many purposes in life.. but I truly believe him being born first, was to be her best friend. I know I didn't handle the problem the way I should've, and I regret it every day.. but with my wife diagnosed with cancer, and my daughter taking part in things she shouldn't be.. it was all too much. But here we are today, watching her take photos of carrying my grandchild.. and I have you to thank"

"I'm sorry, but I still don't understand" I squinted my eyes, confused as to how we did this.

"She met you guys, and she picked up her life. You guys took her in, and she figured things out. She's worked on her sobriety, she's gotten a job, she's out of her shitty relationship, she's hanging out with her younger siblings more, she is talking to her mom and I more.. she's more of herself. She's the girl I used to know. If it wasn't for you guys letting her stay in your home, I don't think there would be a grandchild to meet. I don't think she would've stayed clean.. and I think instead of getting a congratulations you have a new grandbaby call.. we'd be getting I'm so sorry for you lose. It keeps me awake at nights.. but here you guys are, at her maternity shoot. I'm just.. I just wanted to say thank you. I'm not a very touchy feely guy.. but if I've learned anything over the past few years with my children.. I love you means a thousand words, and sometimes you need to bite your pride and let people know how grateful you are for them. If you ask me if we ever had this conversation, I will deny it till my deathbed, got it?" He asked and I nodded. "Good. Thank you Colby" He gave me another nod, before standing up and walking over towards his son and daughter.


I mentally cursed, shaking my head.

An immense amount of guilt started to hit as all the memories of us fighting, and me wanting to kick her out replied in my head...

She truly was a fighter.. but what if she wasn't?

What would her story be then?

I caught myself looking at her gorgeous smile, her stunning dress that hugged her beautiful bump..

This girl was struggling in some of the worst ways imaginable.. and somehow she stood here, in front of me with the most gorgeous smile.

Thank you Colby

His words echoed in my head, and I quickly shook my head.

I found myself standing up, making my way towards Leighton as the world quickly passed me by, wrapping her up in my arms.

"I'm so sorry" I muttered into her hair, tears falling down my cheeks.

"What? For what?" She asked, trying to push my back, but I just shook my head and Leighton wrapped her arms around me. "Why are you sorry?"

"Fucking hell" I grumbled, pulling away and wiping the tears off my cheek.

"What's wrong? What happened? Please talk to me" She frowned and I quickly shook my head, letting out a small laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to uh.. erm.. well" I laughed, motioning to my face.

"Colby, talk to me" Leigh placed her tattoo covered hand on my bicep but I just shook my head.

I can't ruin this day too by bringing up her past..

Fuck Colby! Pull it together! You can apologize tomorrow!

"We can talk tomorrow. Don't wanna ruin you're fun" I gave her a small smile and she shook her head.

"Don't do this to me. We said we were going to communicate! How am I supposed to have fun knowing you were just crying?" Leighton asked and I sighed, looking around at all of the people stuck in their own little world.

"I had a talk with your dad.. and just kind of realized some stuff.. I just wanted to say sorry for how I treated you in the past. I know we said truce and we would move on, but I want you to know I'm truly sorry. I never should've acted the ways I did, and I'm sorry if my actions did more damage than I knew. I know I can't fix it... but I can at least make amends. I'm sorry for the things I said, and that I didn't control my actions. I wish I could change history.. and treat you better, but I can't.. Look, I don't really know where I'm going with this.. I just.. I wanted to tell you that I mean it when I say I truly am sorry for how our friendship began. You didn't deserve that"

"It's okay Colby. We already forgave each other. In ways, we're both at fault. You don't need to walk over here and cry on my shoulder about it. What did my dad say that could've gotten this reaction out of you? If he was mean to you, I'm sorry. He doesn't know boundaries-"

"It's not that. I don't want to spill our secret conversation, I just wanted to say sorry"

"Okay, well.. you're forgiven. Better?" She asked with a laugh and I nodded, Leighton wrapping her arms around my upper waist. "Good. I can't have my favorite late night food buddy mad at me" She grinned up at me and I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Alright well you have a shoot to finish because your family is buying food, and I'm starving"

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