Black Sheep

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Deleted from chapter 16 of Devotion 

*Leighton's POV*

"Do you think I should get shorter nails since I'm pregnant?" I asked the girls, browsing the their different nail options, Kat going over the different polishes.

"Leighton, you can't ignore me forever" Cynthia reminded, eyeing the set of nails I've panned out to choose from.

"I'm not ignoring"

"You are"

"Am not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Then why is your mascara smudged?"

"Do I want rounded, trapeze or almond?" I questioned.

"Not trapeze, you'll snag your clothes"

"I guess I'll just do rounded. Don't want to scratch the wild child. Speaking of, have you heard from Landon?"

Landon, Finley and Xavier decided to be brave souls and watch the girls whilst we were away and last I heard they were spending the night at my dads house.

"All I know is they're going out today and probably consuming anything and everything sugary"

"I miss her" I sighed, "She's growing up so fast. She's becoming her own little person with her own little world. I mean really, I swear I only see my daughter when it's time to feed her and put her to bed. She's such a little busy body"

"She's been with your parents hasn't she?"

"Well she goes between them, you guys, and April's house when I'm at work. I just, I miss having her to myself, ya know? It's only going to get worse the older she gets. I miss when she was a little squishy baby and wanted me all the time and Colby and I were talking baby names in the car and I just... it's been five years? Did you know that? Five years since I was thinking about baby names last"

Before Cynthia could reply, we got interrupted by our nail technicians who were ready to start, Cynthia sitting down next to me, Katrina beside her as they began to file and polish our nails.

"Have you guys decided on any baby names?" Cynthia asked quietly.

"Riley and Zoe so far have been our favorites" I shrugged, Cynthia nodding.

"They're cute, but I can't see you having a daughter named Riley or Zoe. It seems too black sheep ya know?"

"Black sheep?"

"Yeah. Like the odd one out"

"So back to the drawing board?" I murmured.

"Hey, it's not my baby"

"But you don't like it"

"Do you?" She questioned, sneaking a glance at me before looking back down at her nails.

"What? Like the name? I thought Zoe was cute" I frowned, hating when people disagreed with me.

"It's not that it isn't cute Leighton, it just seems.. odd"



"What does odd mean"

"Colby, Leighton, Gemma.... Zoe? Do you hear it?"

"It's not that bad" I defended, Cynthia smirking.

"Name her Zoe then"

"I don't know if I want to name her Zoe then"

"Hey Kat" Cynthia spoke up, nudging Katrina, "Thoughts on the name Zoe?"

"Zoe?" She asked, the two of us nodding, "It's a cute name, why?"

"Colby and I were discussing baby names"

"Oh my god! That's fun! I love looking at baby names!" She swooned.

"Yeah? Have you and Sam talked about having a baby?" I asked, hoping I wasn't crossing some sort of line.

"Uh, not really. I kind of want to be married first"

"So pop the question" I joked, Kat going quiet. "Sorry" I hummed, silence falling between us.

"So, do you want a girly name like Gemma?" Cynthia asked and I shrugged.

"I want something to just fit, ya know? Like piece together. With Gemma, I was unsure for a while, but once I knew I wanted to name her after someone important to me, I sort've just looked at the people I knew, and went from there. Telling my mother that her granddaughter was named after he is something I'll never forget. I just uh, I wish I'd be able to do that again, ya know?"

"Name her after your mother?"

I shook my head, "Keep telling my mother my accomplishments. Keep sharing my daughters with her. The name, the birth, meeting, growing up—, Has Logan said anything about our mom and Harper?"

"Not really"

"Not really?!" I gasped, feeling my eyes widen. "Momma's boy hasn't said a word?"

"Logan's been a little preoccupied lately"



"Preoccupied with what?"

"Oh uh.." she trailed off, my eyes narrowing, "With what, Cynthia?"




"What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything"

"He's my brother! Tell me!" I declared.

"He's my husband. Wife over sister wins" She smirked.

"Whatever. I'll get it out of one of you eventually"

Written on: June 29th 2023

Published on: July 1st 2023

WC: 718

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