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Jirou woke up again in a bed she could not even recognize. She just held her head as she sat up thinking if she is dead. It was proven wrong quickly when she pinched herself.

Jirou: Where am I then...

???: Ahh I see you are awake now.

She turned to see a certain black haired guy who had a emotionless stare but Jirou could see how broken he is just by making eye contact with him.

She turned to see a certain black haired guy who had a emotionless stare but Jirou could see how broken he is just by making eye contact with him

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Sasuke: My name is sasuke... and you are?

Jirou: My name is Kyoka Jirou... 

Sasuke nodded and they walked out to see Naruto with Kiba and the others. He smiled and fist bumped him together as they then bro hugged.

 He smiled and fist bumped him together as they then bro hugged

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Naruto: So this is...

Sasuke: Her name is Kyoka Jirou.

Jirou blushed slightly and sat down on a chair before she then began to think about what happened. She remembered everything. Two dragons, All for one killing her... she stood up and walked to a tree and closed her eyes to get herself better but she was pulled in the mind scape where she came face to face with two large dragons.

 she stood up and walked to a tree and closed her eyes to get herself better but she was pulled in the mind scape where she came face to face with two large dragons

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Ddraig: Albion we have found our partner here

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Ddraig: Albion we have found our partner here...

Albion: I agree. Let's put aside our differences and help this girl

Then the dragons charged up there breaths and breathed around Jirou as she was shaking from fear and sadness. They then sent her out as she saw the two dragons in her head.

Jirou: "what the hell... You guys there still?"

Ddraig and Albion [{We are here for you now and again partner...]}

She nodded as she then walked over and walked over to the f form she is staying at with the help of Sasuke and Naruto as they let her get settled in.

(In her mind scape again)

Jirou was training heavily and she was honestly going well. She did what no other past host did and stagger them both. She then woke up the next day refreshed and ready for the bell test to begin with team seven

Op depressed Jirou the red dragon empress in narutoWhere stories live. Discover now