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Jirou arrived on time with team 7 and kakashi who smiled. She then sighed and stepped out getting in a fighting stance.

Kakashi: Well let's see what you can do.

Kakashi: Well let's see what you can do

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Jirou: Alright then...

She charged in throwing a hook witch kakashi dodged with ease. Then Jirou got kicked away as she slid back a few feet.

Jirou: "are we ready for that move?"

Ddraig and Albion: [{Go for it partner]}

She then powered up as she began to lift in thr air as Divine dividing burst from the back with the boosted gear appearing on her left hand.



(Again image not at all mine) a red and white shine surrounded Jirou as she was surrounded in the fused scale mail of both Ddraig and Albion together. The armor had golden tusks wirh the white top with golden spike as well as the mask of the red dragon emperor but white in color with golden shoulder spikes and the armor went from red to white with purple spikes on the stomach area with two wip like tails on top of one another. One red and one white. 

They looked at her armor form in confusion and shock as they began to count down from 10 mentally in her own head

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They looked at her armor form in confusion and shock as they began to count down from 10 mentally in her own head.


Kakashi: Oh no... I Can not adapt

She dashed in and punched kakashi in the fsce and secretly grabbed the bell before grtting kicked back before he saw the bell missing and she held it up.

Kakashi: Well you do pass.

Jirou(reverted and fired): Thanks Sensei...

She sat down as Naruto and Kakashi was going there own way ans passed the test again.

(Scene skip the next day for a mission)

Jirou looked around board out of her mind as she sighed. She decided to get a drink and returned when she saw Tazuna walk in with a bottle of alcohol.

 She decided to get a drink and returned when she saw Tazuna walk in with a bottle of alcohol

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Tazuna: these 4 kids do not honestly look like much.

Kakashi: Trust us we will do this for you.

They then got ready and set off for there mission there. Jirou was one for not much of chakra as she decided to continue with her way and trained mentally with Ddraig and Albion. That is when Jirou sensed something and grabbed Tazuna pulling him behind her as a blade was caught with her own hand.

Jirou: Realy? You got to try better then that.

Demon Brothers: DIE TAZUNA!!!

Then sasuke leaped on their backs before leaping off as they got pinned down

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Then sasuke leaped on their backs before leaping off as they got pinned down. Then they tried to attack but was pinned down when they saw Jirou flaring her aura with a large red dragon and white dragon was seen behind her. Those being Ddraig and Albion themselves.

 Those being Ddraig and Albion themselves

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Demon brothers: YES MA'AM!!!!!

Then Jirou killed them via decapitation aka having there heads purely removed and she tossed them aside before she sighed and fell asleep witch Naruto and Sasuke glared at one another causing kakashi to put her on his back and carry her instead. She new she needed help and those two were the one who seamed to care about her.

(In her mind)

Jirou sat there again. She new that she would get help soon.

Ddraig: come on you need help Jirou.

Jirou: O know Ddraig...

Albion: Both that naruto kid and sasuke kid love you.

Jirou: I know... I plan on confessing to them both.

She then exited the mind scape and woke up pretending to sleep as they finally arrived at the house of Tazuna himself. She was even prepared to give them answers on what that power was as well and what it can do herself.

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