Chapter 5

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WARNING: Unpleasant topics ahead.

A child's bedtime story was a naïve representation of the world. Its narrative was absent of human nature. To create a fairytale in reality, the author must clean up the mess and set up the stage.

Any good upstart King of an existing nation must reform the policies of the old to restart the economy and give prosperity to its citizens. Mordred was not king material as she was never trained to be one, neither was the soul within her. Together, we were horrible at government delegations.

Knights were warriors of the battlefield. A few were knowledgeable in politics, but it was never their role. King Arthur was raised to be a king and a knight, but fell into her hole of ideals and left the jurisdiction of her nation to the church, lords, and other governing bodies. The monarch did have the final say in things, though reality was never as vibrant as her ideals. The laws she implemented were ripe for abuse. Even if no loopholes were available, no one was there to stop the ruling bodies from neglecting it. With the growing discontent of the populace, loyalists to the crown were declining and easily bribed. If the bribe did not work, the alternative was to make them quietly disappear. The king was too engrossed in her perfection to notice the absence of a few minor individuals.

Thus, the fear and rivalry amongst the governing body kept the nation in a constant state of fragility. Hell broke loose when Lancelot's love affair with Guinevere was uncovered and ended in my crowning.

The sudden uprising of my regime was not welcomed by most aristocrats and clergymen. Only the selected few who fought by her side supported her supreme authority. The upper class hated Arthur for not being a willing puppet...They would hate me for the same reasons.

However, unlike my father, I was not too keen to hide my displeasure. 

A good iron fisting should kickstart a deteriorating nation, especially one filled with neglect and corruption. Off with the heads of the truly despicable and strip the opposing nobility of their high social status and fortune. Who could defy me when I held both the support of the army and the people. The noble houses and churches were practically piggy banks, brimming with wealth for my taking. And I was going to crack them all open.

The standings of the surviving Knights of the Round Table were left mostly intact, besides the minor ordeal of confiscating the majority of their treasure vaults to help repair the damages of the civil war. Some of the knights may despise me for my rebellion and slaughter of fellow knights. Alas, they agreed to the prospect of improving their collapsing nation in any f form possible and stood by my side.

Some people were definitely pissed at me, especially the nobles I left penniless. When killing their corrupted peers before their eyes wasn't enough to quell their rage, I killed them as well to set a new example for the next batch of nobles I was going take money from.

When people went against sound reasoning in favor of prejudice and/or god speeches, off with their heads. It was dirty work...Dirty rewarding work.

I held no tolerance to the parasites that featured the streets and halls of Britain. Everyone realized that when I decapitated a fat noble after he interrupted my crowning.

"I don't give two shits about what you think is the old ways, or God's given grace. If they don't show results, then I don't care. Any more bullshit that you can't upfront prove with sound reasoning, will have my fist shoved up your ass. You will be seeing my fingers coming out of your throat." I screamed at the squirming pigs sitting around me. "You got that!"

My opposition swiftly nodded in a cold sweat and my allies applauded my frank and violent approach. They knew what entailed them when they joined my side and accepted it as who I was. A few soldiers were called forth to drag the corpse out of the throne room.

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