Arc 2 Chapter 6

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Artoria POV

(AN: Not the same Artoria from Chaldea nor the same Artoria that Alter killed)

My nation...They deserved better.

I was unable to bestow to them the prosperous life I had promised. I was not fit to be their king and my rule made it inconceivable for others to take my place. My failures were forever cemented into history.

Except, the Holy Grail could amend it. The artifact was my salvation to alter my past so that I would forwent the throne, granting a king more suitable than myself to rule Britain and give the people what I can not. That was my wish.

That desire brought me into the Holy Grail War, to be summoned by an unorthodox master and his loving wife, Irisviel von Einzbern. My master was a man of experience. I could see it in his eyes of the conflicts he fought and death he caused to realize his ambitions. Alas, Kiritsugu Emiya was a crude man. In his blood, there was no ounce of chivalry nor the makings of a leader. He was a shell for his goals, feasibly believing even the immoral actions were justified if the end was virtuous.

He was not a compatible master for a servant such as myself. Our morals were worlds apart, never converging to form a cohesive team. In time, we might come to an understanding...That moment has not yet come.

I criticized Kiritsugu for endangering his wife by giving her the role of the false master, while he hid himself and initiated his devious schemes in the shadows. His decisions were deplorable, but that was what fate gave me. I must win, even if I disagree with my master's methods.

His plan was enacted and we were separated on our trip to the grounds of the Holy Grail War, Japan. Irisviel was an expressive and cheerful person. How my master and Irisviel fell in love and had a child was a miracle. They were a mismatched couple but I suppose, a couple nonetheless.

The journey was pleasant. The giant flying carriage was a delightful sight to behold. Though I knew these metal machines exist, to experience one firsthand triggered a childish fascination like a toddler having their first candy.

On arrival, Irisviel proposed a unique suggestion. Since I had never experienced the culture of a foreign land, she believed it was appropriate to have a little outing. Irisviel noted that the war between heroic spirits must be kept secret, and as such, masters would be idiotic to attempt a public assault.

I reluctantly agreed to the small date when my attempts to dissuade her ended in fueling her excitement.

"Master, is this really necessary?" I asked as Irisviel handed the king an ice cream cone. To not stand out, my normal attire was replaced by a black suit and my hair tied in a ponytail.

"It's fun." Irisviel happily replied.

"Will Kiritsugu not be worried?"

"He won't." Irisviel cheerfully countered and placed a finger to her lips. "Because he doesn't know we are here."

"Understood Irisviel-san." I sighed at my failed attempts to change her mind.

Irisviel ignored the conflicted expression on my face and enjoyed her frozen treat.

"It's nice here. Isn't it?" Irisviel started up, gazing at the clear sky.

"Yes, it-" A repulsive stream of mana stopped me in my tracks. The light atmosphere halted as I sensed an oddity in our surroundings. Rapidly, I placed a hand on Irisviel's shoulder, signaling the possible danger.

"An enemy." I whispered. This presence...There was no doubt that an enemy servant was close by. Or at the very least, a power mage hiding poorly amongst the crowd. How the enemy knew our location was unknown and frighteningly quick, but that was irrelevant. Irisviel's safety was my top priority.

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