Arc 2 Extra

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Alexan POV



Everywhere I looked, the bloodied battleground of two armies were the only thing I saw. The wails of the wounded and the screams of the living filled the air. It was an unbearable sight of human cruelty and desperation.

"Is it hate that drives you? Hatred for me?!" A scream caught my attention. I turned to see a knight in silver and red armor glaring at a blonde woman wearing a blue dress encased in metal armor plates.

The colors may be different, but the general design of the knight's armor was inconceivably similar to King Mordred. That would make the other female to be King Arthur and the place I stood was the Battle of Camlann.

I witnessed their duel for dominion over ancient Britain. Every moment their blades clashed, reality became ever more distorted as if the battle between the two warriors was poison to reality's very existence.

The results of the battle never transpired as the landscape and everything within it spontaneously froze. Even the dust uplifted by the duel stood in place.

My limbs fell into the same fate of defenseless paralysis. Suddenly, a ghostly face irrupted into the world and drifted directly towards my face.

"Find it." A little girl's voice escaped its lips.


I awoke inside my car in a cold sweat. The suit I wore was not doing any favors in masking the panic I received from my nightmare.

This dream was not an odd occurrence; I have seen it many times since childhood. It was always the same from start to finish, where I stood on the fields of a medieval war. However, the discovery of Mordred's true history by me and my friends had lessened the frequency of its emergence to once a week rather than once a day.

Though the issue of my nightmares was of lesser concern. The events of today were of greater significance.

Slowly, I exited my car and passed the creaking gates that guarded the ancestral grounds of the Burin family. Gray clouds covered the noon sky and cold winds brushed past my brown trench coat. The place was left empty as relatives and family members had left to partake in other portions of the ceremony.

I stood alone upon the funeral grounds of my ancestors and relatives. This land was a property of my family since the Medieval era, where every man and woman under the Burin name had the honor of resting in the embrace of family for eternity. The biggest tombstone was also the oldest. It was the final remembrance of the founding father of the Burin noble family, who was said to have seen the rise and fall of Camelot...And experienced the death of both the King of Knights and Mordred.

I always perceived my family's past with a grain of salt, but the gemstone that bulged from my breast pocket pushed me into a state of regret.

Throughout my childhood, my father spoke of the Burin family history as a treasure to be passed on and cherished in the same care and love as our family heirloom--the gemstone. Before I discovered the secrets of the gemstone, I believed the medieval tales as partial truths that were distorted by the flow of time. Never had I known it was the full truth.

As I stood over my old man's grave, I regretted never apologizing about my childish mockings of our family history. I was too caught up in the glory and fame of the discovery that I neglected my father's well being. He kicked the bucket a few days after news of our discovery went public. Decades prior, the doctor noted that his constitution was degrading greatly due to a tumor in his head; it was a shock to everyone that he had lived till now.

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