Chapter TWO◇

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Not in the mood ♦️

     "Ahahahah you poor thing!" The blonde hair bully laughed, throwing her victim's lunch over him. The food spilled on his hair, blazer then fell onto his pants. "You look way better that way," She snickered and dropped the emptied container to the ground. The (h/c) haired girl was seated on a wooden bench in the school's garden, viewing the scene in front of her. She slurped on a box of grape juice until there was no more left.

Parting her lips, she removed the straw from her mouth and heaved herself out of the bench. A hand in her blazer while the other held the empty box

(Y/n) went to the boy on the ground and threw the box on him. "Thanks for the juice," She said, though her voice and face was lack of any gratitude. The boy hadn't gave her the drink, she was the one that stole the juice from him while he was drinking it.

During lunch times, he'd sit in the garden and have his lunch he brought from home. The cafeteria was too expensive for him and also too crowded. So far, he hadn't been disturbed during lunch but today was his unlucky day. Somehow, they found him in the garden. He didn't understand why they'd come here when most of the time they'd spend the whole lunch eating and fixing their hairs and makeups.

His black eyes never left hers. Even though he knew she hated it, he still continued, to spite her. He waited for her to attack him, but was surprised when she turned away from him.

"I'm not in the mood today, we're leaving." The shocked bullies dared not to asked her anything and followed her in silence, leaving the garden.

A small girl, hair as burgundy as wine, black rimmed glasses around her forest green eyes, came running towards him. "Are you alright, Daisuki?" She asked, concern laced within her doe eyes.

Just like himself, she was a scholar student. On her first day, she was also bullied but after students learnt that she was the niece of a rich teacher, it came to a halt.

"I'm fine." Daisuki brushed the food off himself. They left stains on his pants and blazer. He sighed in annoyance.

"I'll clean those for you!" The girl whipped out a small pack of wipes from her pocket, proceeding to wipe his pants. He, however, held her wrist. "Thanks but I'll clean it."

He took the wet wipes from her fingers and started wiping at the stains. Each time the wipes got dirty, the girl would pull out another to give him. That was until she puts her finger into the pack and felt nothing. A frown formed on her lips, "I'm sorry but there's no more. I didn't have a lot."

Daisuki pulled his sleeve, looking at the back of it and saw another stain. The mess from his pants and hair were all gone so he wouldn't have to worry about walking through the hallways. "That's okay. I can wipe the rest in the bathroom. Thanks for your help," he said, looking at the girl with a small smile.

She blushed and her frown was replaced by a smile. "I'm glad I could help." Her eyes directed to a bruise in his palm. She grabbed his hand and looked at it, "When did you get this? Did they caused it too?" Daisuki nodded, still smiling,"You don't have to worry, it doesn't hurt."

"Oh..." she murmured, "I wish I could have done something to stop those bullies..."

Daisuki gently pulled his hand from her hold and patted her head. "What you're doing for me is already enough. "

"But– But, (Y/n) is a mean, cruel and an ugly gorgon! She deserves to fall into a lake filled with crocodiles!"

Daisuki laughed softly. Hearing him felt like music to her ears. There were so many attributes about him that she loved. His quiet and kind personality, his voice, his silky, soft, black hair, his handsome features. How can they bully him just by his status?

Daisuki stood up, snapping the girl from her daze. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll see you later." When he started leaving, she stopped him. "Wait, you hadn't ate anything, right? I can ask my aunt to get something for you at the cafeteria."

He shook his head, "I did eat a bit."


"Thanks, Aiko, but I'd rather not have you doing too much for me." He waved and departed the garden.


The rooftop ♦️


     (Y/n) was sitting on the school's roof, resting her back against a wall. Between her fingers was a cigarette that she took a puff at, every few seconds. She gazed into the partly clouded skies as the wind tousled her (h/c) hair strands into her face. It was peaceful on the roof. While her 'friends' were busy with fixing themselves, she would be on the rooftop, enjoying the company of her cigarettes.

There were times others came onto the roof, disturbing her peace with cringe confessions or weeping their eyes out because of a broken heart but she never paid any heed to those crap and only minded her own business.

Having enough smoking, (Y/n) rubbed the butt of the cigarette on the ground. She stuck her hand into her pocket, pulling out a Totsie pop sweet. Her fingers unwrapped it, dropping the paper on the ground then stuck the lollipop into her mouth.

The (f/f) flavour, melted on her tongue. A sigh left through her nose, knowing that it was going to be her last time enjoying it. Today was her last day of doing everything.  After that incident yesterday, she finally decided to end her existence. At least that way, she can escape all the pressure she was facing.

The door squeaked, indicating that someone else had came onto the roof. She thought of all that money her father sent to the school yet they were not fixing the annoying sound coming from the rusty hinge of the door. (Y/n) shook her head. Why was she even thinking about that now?

She pushed herself off the ground and dusted her palms off. Just as she turned around, she saw her bullied victim standing on the raised wall, looking down the building.

What a coincidence, she thought. She laughed out loudly. The startled boy whipped his head around.

"Oh no, don't mind me, go ahead, jump. Put on a brilliant show, might as well do a flip while you're at it." She smirked.

The boy faced back the edge of the wall. His eyes drifted to the ground, seventy-five feet below. One step forward and he would plummet to the concreted ground.

(Y/n) stepped up onto the wall and took his hand. She intertwined her fingers with his. "Since you're here, why not do it together? Having a dramatic end before leaving the earth doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Daisuki, bewildered, stared at her with wide eyes. His eyes went even wider when tears began flowing out of her eyes. "I'm sick of life. At least I can finally let my fucking tears out without that man yelling at me."

She took a step forward, closing her eyes to enjoy the breeze against her face during her fall. However, she was pulled back, falling the other way onto the ground with the feeling of arms wrapped around her.

To Control OR To Be Controlled [Yandere Bullied Male X Bully Reader]Where stories live. Discover now