Chapter EIGHT◇

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He's cute♦️

Shoes stepping on fingers and the screams of a light green haired boy resonated in the classroom only containing five persons. (Y/n) was seated on a desk, watching as her lackies tortured the poor boy. Seeing him getting tortured did not satisfy the sadistic being inside of her. She hopped off the desk and walked to the boy, his eyes filled with tears.

"My queen..." he whimpered, trying to reach a hand out to touch her. "Keep your hands to yourself," She commanded. Instantly his hand fell to the floor.

"Wasn't that what lead you to being tortured? Yet you're trying to do it again. . ." (Y/n) trailed off after seeing the dejected expression on the boy's face. ". . .but then again how can I get angry at you for having such a cute and hurtful look," she cooed, eyebrows upturning as a grin stretched across her lips.

The boy shivered under her gaze, suppressing a moan from escaping. "My queen. . ." he murmured, outstretching his hand towards her again. This time though, she took his hand. Another shiver ran down his spine and he twitched, fighting back the sounds trying to escape from his lips. However, feeling the warm fingers of the girl he admired and worshipped crawling up his arm he released a loud moan.

Though the lankies eyes widened at this, (Y/n) on the other hand, smirked, knowing exactly what she was doing to the boy.

"Did he just moan?" One asked.

"Ahahahah that was kinda cute, let him do it again."

All (Y/n) had to do was brush the tip of her fingers across his skin and he'd go into a blushing mess with uncontrollable moans.

After some minutes of teasing the boy the bell rang for the first session. She pulled her hand away from him and he trembled as if all the warmth had left his body. She commanded her lackies that it was time to leave and they all left the classroom. She too was about to stand up to leave when she realised the trembling legs of the boy squeezing themselves together. It was then she brought her eyes to his crotch and saw a stain.

"Did you just. . ." she asked but couldn't finish the sentence. The expression the boy held as he looked up at her with desperation made her fingers twitched.

Her hand moved unconsciously towards the boy's pants. It stopped the moment she came back to her senses. She retracted her hand and the boy whined like a puppy. Standing up, she glanced at him before leaving, "You're cute, I may keep you a little longer."


New personality? ♦️

(Y/n)'s attention turned to the opened door. Daisuki, who was about to step inside, paused at the doorway once he saw the seated girl. He slowly stepped inside as she eyed him.

"Your hand," he spoke, stopping a desk away from her. "Is it getting better?"

"Yeah..." she responded. Silence overtook for a few seconds. "Is the kitten being taken care of?" She asked. He nodded, "I visit him everyday."


"Yes, it's male," Daisuki chuckled. "Ah... I see," (Y/n) said as her eyes slightly widened.

"He seems to be missing you."

A frown formed on (Y/n)'s lips. "I can't," She sighed and stared at the book in front of her. "I have works to complete."

Walking closer, Daisuki looks at the equations and the messy crossing out and mistakes she wrote. He directs his eyes at her, "Do you need help?"

"I'm fine-"

"Here," he points his finger at the given problem. "First you should write x - 6y = 8 - 6y, after finding the answer which is y = -1, you should now substitute y = -1 into equation 1." He explained everything step by step, each time they became clearer to (Y/n).

"So the last answer would be x = 3?" She asked. Daisuki nodded in reply. She wrote the answer under the equation and proudly looked over her work. She was finally finished. It was the fastest she had ever completed such difficult questions. She sighed, closing her eyes and slumped in seat, resting the back of her head on the chair. "I'm done..."

"Good job," Daisuki smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for your help."

The feeling of his heart fluttering threw his off guard. What was that? He thought, bringing his hand up to his chest. (Y/n) opened her eyes and stared right into his deep orbs. Blood rushed into his cheeks and he quickly turned away.

Intrigued by his reaction, (Y/n) swiftly sat up. "Oh? Was that a blush?"

"I have to leave now." She stopped him by grabbing the hem of his blazer. "We still have nine minutes until lunch ends."

"But I-"

(Y/n) pulled his shirt harder this time, making him fall forward. His arms immediately reached out, grabbing onto the edge of the desk and the top of the chair to prevent himself from falling onto her. (Y/n) smirked, taking his chin between her fingers. His cheeks went a deeper shade of red at the close proximity of their faces.

"Ahh," She squealed, "You look so cute when you blush!"

Daisuki was surprised. Her sudden change in personality was incredible.

"Just like that green haired one."

He froze. Green hair? He then remembered about the crazy masochist that was obsessed with her. "About him..." he began speaking. "Hm?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"You should stop harassing him." Daisuki regretted saying that. His tone came out strongly, as if he was demanding her. He closed his eyes waiting for (Y/n) to burst into rage. "Okay!" She responded, cupping his face. Daisuki opened his eyes, meeting her bright (e/c) orbs.

"I like you more anyways."

His heart fluttered again. The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. (Y/n) released his face and began packing her books.

"I...I'll be leaving," he slowly said and stood up straightly. She paused and stared up at him. A smile made its way to her lips. "Bye bye."

For the third time, his heart fluttered once again. He quickly exited the classroom, clutching his chest.

What is happening to me?

To Control OR To Be Controlled [Yandere Bullied Male X Bully Reader]Where stories live. Discover now