Chapter SEVEN◇

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New target ♦️


"What happened to your hand?" (Y/n)'s blonde hair lackey asked. The said girl unwrapped a sweet and stuck it into her mouth. "It's nothing."

"It seems pretty bad with how much wrapping is around it," another lackey commented.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes sent her a glare. "I said it's nothing, mind your own business."

"Ah. . .sorry," the girl cowardly lowered her head, resuming with the food in front of her.

(Y/n)'s mind wondered off to the jacket in her bag. She wanted to return it to its owner but for some reason, she did not felt like seeing him. Should she perhaps find his class and leave it at his desk? But how would she know where he will sit, there isn't a specific seat for anyone in the classroom. Maybe she could give it to someone to return to him.

A short boy with light green hair and purple eyes, filled with nervousness, caught (Y/n)'s attention. She pulled out the lollipop out of her mouth, smirking.

As he was passing by the table, (Y/n) stuck her foot out. The poor boy tripped over it and all his food from his tray sprawled out onto the floor when he fell. Everyone in the cafeteria hollered in laughters. (Y/n) turned to face the boy who began to clean up the mess. She rose out of her seat and crouched beside him. "Awe, you poor thing, you don't need to clean that up. That's the janitor's job." She took his wrist and stood up, pulling him onto his feet. "I want you to do a favour for me."

She began dragging him out of the cafeteria and to her classroom. On their way there, she ran into someone she didn't want to see. Daisuki's eyes stared at (Y/n) before slowly drifting down to her hand holding another boy's wrist, then to the green haired boy. 'Has she found another target?' He thought as a frown formed on his lips.

She looked away and passed him without a word uttered. Daisuki felt a pang in his heart. She had found someone else to bully and was now ignoring him but why did he feel this way?

Having reached her classroom, (Y/n) went to her desk and took the blazer from her bag. She held out the clothing towards the boy. "That boy you saw just now, give this to him when you see him again."

He meekly took the blazer and nodded. "Leave now," She commanded. When he left, she sat at her desk and took out her text book to begin her lunch studies. A daily task she had been given after arriving home late that day.


He's a masochist ♦️


Daisuki stood at the locker, changing his shoes when a familiar boy came up. He glanced up at him then directed his eyes back to his shoes.

"Uh...the queen told me to give this to you."

The queen? For a second he forgot who that was. He turned to the green haired boy who had his arm outstretched with the blazer. When he retrieved the blazer the boy turned to leave but Daisuki stopped him.

"You don't have to get bullied, just avoid her. I'll try to anger her to get her attention away from you," he said. He only suggested that because he felt sorry for the boy. He'd have to go through all that harassment and embarrassment he went through.

That's what he kept telling himself but something else was nagging at his mind that it wasn't the real reason why he'd sacrifice himself.

The boy turned around to face Daisuki, a small but eerily smile rested on his lips. "Now, why would I let you do that?" A strange glint shone in his purple orbs. Daisuki looked puzzled. Why? Isn't he giving the boy a chance to get away from the bullying?

The boy walked closer to him. "I've been admiring the queen since the first day of freshman and you, a nobody, came out of nowhere and caught her full attention with ease. She's never bullied someone that long so how did you get her to?" His gaze became dark with hatred and envy. "I've got her to bully me for only two day! Two days! Then after that she ignored me no matter how hard I tried to get her attention, it was so frustrating!" Tears streamed down his face. "But now..."

Daisuki stared at him, bewildered as the boy's face was flustered in excitement.

" I have her again." His legs trembled underneath him. He stuck a finger into his mouth and moaned as his eyes rolled back. "My queen..." he breathe out. Daisuki stepped back, quickly turning to leave. The boy was a complete masochist. He needed to get him away from (Y/n) as soon as possible.

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