Chapter 1: Birthday Reunion

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I guess hiatus means no rp lol. Of course, I haven't left yet and since I took a couple things off my plate, I have a little time to write part of this fanfic lol.


The sun was shining overhead as clouds drifted across the blue sky. A young woman walked with bags on her elbows. Her dark hair rested on her back, flowing slightly in the wind. Her brown eyes glanced up to make sure she didn't run into anything. Again for the upteenth time that day.

Marcy looked at her phone, reading the text Sasha had sent with the instructions. After walking through the automatic doors, she heard the TV overhead. It didn't take but a few seconds to know it was the news.

"This year marks the tenth anniversary of what is known as the Frog-vasion.."

Her attention immediately left the tv upon looking up and seeing Sasha leaning against a red car waiting for her. Gasping with excitement, she ran towards her old friend. "Sasha!"

"Mars!" Sasha stood up and opened her arms for a hug, but Marcy ultimately tripped, having her gift bag and phone go flying. Luckily nothing was broken, including her bones.

Marcy stood up. "I'm ok."

Sasha chuckled. "Some things never change." She pulled her friend into a hug. "Man, it's good seeing you again, girlfriend."

"You too!"

"Here I'll put the stuff in the back of the car." Sasha took Marcy's things and put them in the car. Then she went around to the driver's seat and Marcy sat in the passenger side next to her. Once the car was on the road, Sasha grinned. "Gosh, it's been a minute. How was the flight?"

"Pretty good," Marcy replied. "Can you believe it's been ten years?"

"Crazy, right?" Sasha agreed. "So what have you been up to? Still making that webcomic? I read a few chapters, it's awesome!"

Marcy grinned, feeling a sensation of pride and joy from hearing Sasha compliment her work. She waved her hand. "Awwwww, thanks. It's doing pretty well online. But what about you? Did that psych degree come in handy?"

"Yep. I kinda like helping with the kids, helping them overcome their emotional baggage. I have a lot of experience-" Sasha stopped as the car next to them drove past and cut them off without using their blinker. "Hey! Nice signal, buddy!" She slammed her hand on her car horn.

Trying to hold in a snicker from Sasha's road rage, Marcy cleared her throat. "Soooo, did you and Anne hang out much after I moved?"

"At first, we did, yeah. But we kinda fell into different friend groups in highschool. We still talked but only every once in a while. Nevermind that though. Have you heard what Anne's been doing these days?"

"Yes, and I love it!" Marcy said in her sing-song voice.

Sasha turned and pulled up into a parking lot. She turned the car off and the two opened the doors and stepped onto the pavement. Clicking the button on her keychain, the car honked, indicating that it locked.

"Alright! Let's go get Anne!" Marcy exclaimed.

The two walked into the exotic animal rescue center. One of the workers pointed them in the direction of their friend. They came to the amphibian room where they immediately spotted their friend.

Anne looked up, making eye contact with them. "Guys!" She ran over and pulled the other two into a big hug.

"Anne!" Marcy laughed.

Sasha chuckled. "Hey, Boonchuy. Happy birthday."

"Thanks." Anne pulled herself away from the hug. "I'm gonna clock out and we can go have fun."

"What time do we need to be at your parents' house?" Sasha asked.


"Sweet. We'll make sure to get you there on time," Sasha said.

"Anne, wanna get one of those unicorn slurpees? I'm paying!" Marcy held up her wallet as she gestured with her hands as she spoke.

"Oooo, free food. Always down for that," Anne chuckled. She wrapped both arms around her friends shoulders as the three of them started walking towards the front desk.

"Then we'll take a quick cut into the park before we go to your parents party," Sasha said.

"That's a trip down memory lane," Marcy said.

Anne handed the woman at the desk her card and quickly clocked out using the computer. Then she turned back to her friends. "Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate the tenth anniversary to me."

The three women went outside. Since Anne's apartment was literally across the street, she usually just walked to work. Sasha got in the driver seat and Marcy sat up front with her while Anne hopped into the back.

"This feels so great you guys! I really missed being just the three of us," Anne exclaimed.

"The golden trio reuniting and setting off on a daring adventure!" Marcy announced, pointing her finger forward as Sasha started driving on the road.

Sasha chuckled. "Yes, very daring."

"Well, you never know. Sometimes it's the harmless beginnings that start the greatest adventures!"

"That's the truth," Anne admitted. "That needed cool music in the background though."

"I got this, girls." Sasha turned on the radio.

I'm a heart stomper...

"Uh... Wrong channel-" Sasha's face went bright red as she turned the music off right away.

"Sasha, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's a hit for a reason," Marcy said.

"Yeah, I told you it would be," Anne agreed. "And admit it, you had fun with it."

"I did. But it wasn't nearly as fun without you two. It just wasn't something I wanted to pursue."

"Well, side gig or whatever, it's my ringtone," Anne laughed.

"Really? Oh, my gosh, mine too!" Marcy exclaimed.

Sasha laughed. "I would be lying if I said it wasn't mine too."

"See? What did we tell you?" Anne smirked.

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