23. Awol and Horses for Bribes

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They had just decided on a movie when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and sighed internally. 'Oh god, ' he thought 'not this. Not here. Not now'. He moved away from the couch walking towards the window;


"Draco." The voice purred on the line. 


"I need you."

"We've been over this Pansy." 

"Blaise needs you."

"Can't you get someone else to babysit?"

"It's your fault you know! You got him into this mess!" She screamed at him and he winced 

"I know. But the last time was really the last time." 

"He's gone missing Draco!" She sobbed

"What?" He breathed

"He's gone! He's just picked himself up and left. I haven't seen him for two days! I don't know where he is or anything Draco please!" She pleaded on the line.

Two whole days? why hadn't he been called earlier? He had to go. But the girls, after the trick they tried to pull today, Krum's goons were way to close for comfort. Pansy too was in possible danger.

"Where are you now?"

"At my penthouse in Spain. I thought he would be here."

"Go to one of the safe houses with heavy security." Ever since the first attack on Blaise, he had devised a plan and convinced them to have safe houses in every country that they had a residence in should the need come for it. He was grateful now for his foresight 

"He's my brother! I should be out there looking for him!"

"You've done enough Pansy. If Blaise is on the run then they can't find him. Their next step is to target the people he is in close contact with"

"Oh, God!"

"I'll go and find him myself. I just had some things to tie up on my end." He said looking back at Mione in the kitchen popping corn with Darcy and Lucy looking at her every step. 

"Thank you, Draco. Thank you, thank you thank-"

 This is the absolute last time Pansy." He cut off her excessive thanks, "I'm serious."  He hung up without hearing her response. 

"Everything alright?" Mione asked as she came toward him with a bowl of popcorn. 

'Far from it." He though taking the bowl from her hands and sitting on the couch. "Everything's fine." He said as he patted the space next to her as Darcy put the movie to play.

The girls had fallen asleep on the floor. He shifted himself with the intention of moving them to their couch at least but Mione stopped him

"You'd regret that," she said singsongy from the kitchen. He looked up at her curiously 

"Trust me. I'd know," she said walking towards him as he eased away from them back into the couch. She was holding a bottle of port in her hand and gesturing it towards him

"A drink"

"I could use a glass" he replied taking the bottle from her and opening it

"No wine glasses though," She said smilingly, producing two teacups from behind her back sitting next to him.

"Oh? why?"  

"It was closer to reach than the actual wine glasses," she said as she held the cups out for him to pour He chuckled as he took a teacup from her hands as he rested the bottle at their feet. They sat in comfortable silence gazing at the girls.

"You've made a beautiful child," he remarked

Mione turned to look at him "She's yours as well."

"And so are you," He shifted her into his lap.

"Hi there." she breathed her breath fanning his face.

"Right back at ya."

"To what do I owe this lovely seating arrangement, sir?"

"I was thinking-"

"Careful there don't hurt yourself." She giggled and he pouted.  which earned him a rueful grin.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted that we could go for a little trip tomorrow."


"Yes, to see the pony I bought for our daughter."

"You bought her a horse?" She was astonished. 

"A pony." He corrected. "Naturally she would want to go see it. Lucy'll be invited too."


"No buts." He placed a finger on her lips, "Besides, they'll be occupied and we can be alone." He kissed her deeply.

And I'd have peace of mind knowing that you will be safe.

"Just where are you taking us?"She asked after coming up for air


"Draco!" She groaned "Couldn't you have found a perfectly good horse here?"

"Surely you've gotten over your fear of flying by now."

"I can assure you that I haven't"

"There was a rumor of you riding on a dragon? That wasn't true then?"

"That was sheer dumb luck." 

"Ah, I see. There's plenty to keep you occupied during the flight.It'll make you forget that you thousands of feet in the air"

"Name one."

"I have a bedroom onboard. It's yet to be christened."  He smiled deviously

"You can't expect me to just call my job in the morning and tell them I'll be gone for a couple more days. I already took today off"

"You own the place don't you?"

"Sure but-"

"And I'm sure that you hired perfectly respectable and able people. Give them a break. Think of how nice it'll be for them not to have the boss around for a while eh?"

"The note was just renewed-"

"Even more reason to take a break. Celebrate. You deserve it"

"I guess I could use a little change of air."

"It's settled then."  He silenced her incoming question with a kiss. 

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