14. Old Flame II

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His hands cupped her face and she relished in the skin to skin contact. His rough yet gentle palm grazed against her cheek.

"I've missed you  amica mea." He whispered tracing her lips with his fingers in a ghost-like manner.

He cautiously covered her mouth with his.  His tongue glided past her teeth, enjoying the warmth of her mouth with a desperation that would have shocked all current friends and past lovers. Draco Malfoy was never a desperate man. Mione's hands were lost in his hair and moved down to his neck and shoulders as they showered each other with kisses.

He pulled away slowly and looked at her caressing her cheek. Her eyes were dilated and her lips were parted, he moved closer to her and moved his fingers to her chest, carefully unbuttoning the blouse and removing the piece of clothing. He was rewarded with the sight of her full breasts. He sucking in a breath at her peaked nipples. She waited with quiet impatience for him to touch her.  His cool palms made contact with her heated skin. She gasped, her eyes rolled in her head

"You haven't changed." He noted, his eyes dark and voice husky.

"Wait." She inched suddenly away and he stopped, looking at her. She looked away from him to the  floor  her cheeks flushed "I want to....but I don't."

"I don't understand." He murmured.

She sighed and looked up at him. His usually tame hair looked wild as she had run her hands through it. His shirt was gone although she wasn't sure when or where it did. She noticed his hard-on, painfully constricted against the jeans he was wearing. They needed each other.

"Could we take this a little more slowly?" She asked softly.

'Lord, she was an angel,' he thought amazed that she was still shy.

"As slow as you want."

"I'm really sorry." She said feeling the need to apologize. "I want you, I really do."

"I know." She didn't have to tell him. He could read her body language better than anything or anyone else. Her body was heated and her breasts were erect she looked up at him wantonly. If those weren't signs then he wasn't sure what was.

He began nibbling on her earlobes and molded her sensitive breasts. He enjoyed her whimpers of pleasure. His sinful tongue kitten licked her left breast was when she lost control. She frantically reached to unbuckle him with unsteady hands. He covered her hands with his, stopping her from going further and stood to rid himself of his clothing. She shamelessly watched his body. Those tantalizing abs, well-defined muscles and delicious V line that led to all of his glory. He finished undressing her by pulling off her skirt and panties in one go.

"I feel like I'm doing this all wrong." He admitted as he pulled himself on top of her, "But I've waited long enough."


He thrust into her with a guttural moan and kept still until she reached up to connect her hips to his creating delicious friction against her breasts. His thrusts were slow, much to her disappointment she wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heels into him willing him to go faster but he didn't let her dictate the pace. Not this time. He wanted this to last. She was always generous with her body. Giving and wanting too much too fast. For the first time in ten years, he felt complete. It wasn't long before she climaxed and fainted. He chuckled and stroked her face as she lay in his arms.


She woke moments later. It had dawned on him, while she was asleep that they didn't use protection.

"Are you on a pill?" He asked running his hands through her hair. She shook her head. He looked at her worried

"I've been celibate for the past four years."

"You're joking?" He said eyes widened

"No joke." She said

"Alright, Alright."

"Tell me about Pansy." She asked her head on his chest playing with the little wisps of chest hair he had.

"Bad Idea, honestly. What about your guy?"

"Yes him" she mused

"You lasted longer?"

"Eight years."

"What made you change your mind?" He asked honestly curious.

"One of his playthings decided to try and step in as Darcy's stepmother."

"Her stepmother?"

"He worked from home sometimes. He had them in the house when Darcy and I weren't there.  Darcy came home early one evening from school, I was swamped with work. She did something that displeased him and the woman decided to try to punish her for it."

"You don't mean-?"

"She hit her. Right across the face. He came to his senses by then and stopped her from doing more but the damage was done."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it had happened several times before. Them being in the house I mean. I told myself that it would pass, that it was just a phase he was going through but alas. I learned to take care of myself."

"Does she miss him?"

"He was never home much anyway and when he was well-" she shrugged

 He hugged her tighter "I truly am sorry."

"It hasn't exactly been a breeze. Finances are low but the independence is refreshing."

He began to wonder just how independent she had come. She was already as stubborn as hell. He sighed as he looked at the time.

"I'd better get you home, we'll get someone to drive so I can hold you longer"

"What about my car?"

'I'll get you a new one', he thought.

"Someone would drive it to your parents."

"What if I drive myself back?" He smiled. Her stubbornness was rearing its head

"Alright I'll drive with you and Alec can follow."


"What? Make a decision."

"From your list of choices?"

"Forgive me. It's our first night together in ten years, I've got to shoot in the morning, you've got to get your daughter from your parents and you've got to meet with the bank in the morning. I intend to stay with you until we get to your parents."

"You do?"

"Of course, I love you and I wish I could stay longer but-"

Hermione interrupted. "You love me?" She whispered those were the words she always wanted to hear from him

"I always have." He said kissing her once more.

"Call me when you do get home?" He asked as they pulled up outside the house. Alec had followed them in her car as he dove her to her parent's house. 

"I'll call you" She promised

"I'll be waiting by the phone. I'll visit soon." He promised

"Hurry back."

"You know I will." she bent to kiss him and raced into the house taking her car keys from Alec.  He smiled as he drove off the curb, plans to finish the movie earlier than expected were formulating in his head even though it had just begun. 

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