3; "Don't be scared, babygirl. I'll have your back and protect you."

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chapter three:

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We were currently in the car on our way to the airport, so that we could leave for tour. I held Ariana's hand, as I drove my car with the other. Ariana has been all smiley since she woke up, I guess it has something to do with me being you know, nicer. But oh well, sometimes you just gotta be nice so you don't lose the person you love the most.

I mean, Ariana is the love of my life, and I can't imagine life without her. And that's why I am so protective over her. I can't have her seeing other boys, because I'm her boyfriend.

"Justin?" I heard Ariana's angelic voice ask. I smiled slighty, glancing at her. She was looking at me, furrowing her eyebrows slightly and smiling a little confused and nervous smile. Aaw, my baby is nervous.

"Yeah?" I asked, awaiting for her to respond. She giggled lightly, before speaking again.

"Um..... When are we, you know, at the airport?"

I smiled at her question, it being cute and kinda childish at the same time.

"In like five minutes" I informed her, eraning a nod in response. I went to focus fully on driving again, and soon we arrived at the airport, paparazzi and reporters already being there. This is one of the bad sides of fame.

You can never do anything secrectly, because they are always following you everywhere you go, trying to get some good articles. One of the other bad sides of being as famous as I am, is that you can trust only a really few people.

"Now remember, don't answer any questions or so, let's just go straight to the private jet, okay?" I said to Ariana, who nodded, taking her small bag in her hand, as I got out of the car, getting our suitcases. The camera's were flashing everywhere around us, and questions being thrown at both me and Ariana.

"Justin! Is is true that you two are going to be married?"

"Justin! How does it feel to be back on tour again?"

"Ariana, has Justin proposed?"

I sighed and mentally rolled my eyes, as I took our suitcases, locking the car in process. Ariana strolled over to my side, and we began walking to the private jet, where Scooter and the others awaited. Ariana didn't say anything at all, as we quickly made our way to the jet, some paparazzis following us. I gave our suitcases to some man working at the airport, who brought them inside, as I grabbed Ariana's hand in mine, and helped her up the stairs and inside the jet.

"Well, there you two are, we'll be leaving just in a few minutes" Scooter said, smiling at us. I nodded, as Ariana and I took our seats, although I soon pulled her to my lap, not wanting to sit alone. Ariana giggled, and blushed a tiny bit. She's so cute when she blushes, because then she becomes all embarrased and giggly, and hides her face. It's honestly the cutest thing in the world.

I noticed she sent a text to someone, I think her mom. She put the phone into her pocket after sendng the text, and leaned her head against my chest, humming a random melody. I smiled, and decided to send my dad a text. I pulled my phone out, and to my surprise I saw I'd gotten a text from an unknown number. I didn't really know who could send me a text, because no one besides the team and my family knows my number, but decided to read it anyways.

From: Unknown

Don't you ever hurt her again, because next time you won't get away with it

What the hell did that even mean? Hurt who? No one knows about me abusing Ariana, so it couldn't be about her. But there's not really anyone else it could be, so it has to be her. But who would even know about it? And how did this person get my number?


I woke up in someone's arms, and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Justin smiling down at me, as he assuringly walked through the corridor of an hotel, or something. I don't know.

"W-Where are we?" I asked, my voice a little bit groggy from the sleep. Justin chuckled at me, and answered his voice expressing his happiness.

"We're in Paris, baby"

I nodded, resting my head in his arm, as he held me up bridal style. Soon, he came to a stop, and put me down carefully. I smiled, as I grabbed his hand, leaning myself on him. Justin opened the door in one swift movement, and let me go in the room before him. Such a gentleman at times, huh?

I took my phone out of my pocket, and saw I'd gotten three new texts. One was from mom, and the other from Niall. I sighed, knowing that if Justin woud see that text from Niall he'd probably flip out - for nothing.

You see, Justin somehow seems to think that I cheated on him with Niall, which is not the case. Niall and I are just really really good friends. I love him to death, but only in a friend kind of way. I clicked Niall's text open at first, reading it.

To: Ariana :)
From: Nialli(;

I miss you so much, already :( but i hope u have fun w justin and the crew, see u soon :) xx

I sighed, I missed him too, a lot. He's really important to me, and I can't imagine having to be without him. Like, usually we don't meet as often either, but now we're not even in the same country. I just miss him so so so much, you couldn't even imagine. I decided to text him back, because I think it's kind of un-polite to not to text people back.

To: Nialli(;
From: Ariana:)

i miss you too, a lot. :// and yeah, you just gotta tell me when, where and yeah..:) x

After sending the text, I opened the one that was from an unknown number, curious of what it might be. I read the text two times, before understanding completely what it read.

From: Unknown

Don't be scared, babygirl, I'll have your back and protect you.

What the hell..? That's just plain creepy. I didn't bother to answer, because I didn't even know this person, and was soon snapped out of my thoughts as Justin wrapped his strong arms around me, engulfing me into a bear hug. I smiled, knowing that even if only for a little while, he was being nice. And no matter the things he had done to me, I love him. He's the love of my life.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Justin asked, spinning me around so I was facing him.

"I don't really know, do you have anything in mind?" I asked, hoping he would say that he actually had a plan, so I wouldn't have to think of anything

"Actually, yes I do" he said, smiling like an idiot at this point.

"Well, what is it?"

He smirked at my question leaning close to my ear. His breath tickled my ear, making me giggle.

"it's a surprise."

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Chapter 3 is up :)

-Sam ❤️

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