6; "It seems like whoever is sending these texts, know exactly what's going on"

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chapter six:

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Justin seemed nervous for some unknown reason. We walked along the beach, our fingers intertwined.

Suddenly, Justin stopped. He turned me to face him, and I looked at him curiously. His eyes were looking at me, they were golden brown and filled with guilt and sorrow. Now that's just...... wierd. Usually he isn't like this, but oh well, I don't complain. This is like having a piece of the old Justin back.

"Umm, Ariana?" Justin's voice was nervous. I turned my attention towards him, looking him deep in the eyes.


Justin took a few deep breaths, clearly trying to relax. Whatever he was going to say or do was clearly making him nervous as hell.

"I-I don't really know how to say this so please, let me talk. I know, that I've hurt you so many times that I've already lost count myself. I know that I've done some pretty unforgivable things in the past, some things that I never thought I'd do. I know, that I've been a complete jerk lately, and that I've treated you so badly. But, I'm sorry. I know that a simple sorry will never make up to anything, but also I know that I have to apologize. I'm so sorry Ariana, I really am. I'm sorry babygirl" his voice cracked a bit at the end, as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.

I was stunned by what I just heard. Justin apologized? Wow, that's new. But still, I don't know if I can forgive him. He has hurt me so many times, he has let me down so many times with his actions. I just don't know what to do.

"I don't know, Justin" I muttered, my voice slightly shaky. I was nervous I'd anger him. But no - Justin simply stared at me with a blank impression on his face. There was no emotion on his face, but when I looked in his eyes, I saw something I'd never think I'd see. Regret.

"I know that you can't forgive me, and I understand that completely. I wouldn't either if I was you. Hell, I would hate me too. I'd hate to be around me if I were you. l'd despise me."

'''-I don't hate you Justin" I sated, thruthfully. I didn't lie, I could never ever hate Justin. He means too much to me, despite everything he has done, he still is the one I love.

"Please Ariana, try to find it in your heart to forgive me. Let's just start all this over again" Justin pleaded, a few more tears slipping down his cheeks. Seeing him like this broke my heart. He seemed so fragile. He seemed so much like the old Justin.

'"'I-I could try" I whispered, looking down. I had to try this, because I didn't want to lose Justin. That would hurt not only me, but him too. Althought, being with him has hurt me too, in many, many ways. But still, everyone deserves one new start. Right?

"Do you really mean that?" Justin asked, his face lighting up a little in the process. I nodded, unsure of what to say. Justin's lips curled into a wide smile, and his eyes showed happines and pure admiration. He snaked his arms around my waist, spinning me around. I giggled, as he put me down, pecking my cheek softly. I blushed. He was acting all cute. I was so happy in this moment, this was perfect.

Justin sat me down on the beach floor with him, pulling me on his lap. His fingers twirled my hair around, as he hummed silently. Then, totally unexpectedly, he started to sing:

"As long as you love me

We're under pressure,

Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in

Keep it together,

Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning

But hey now, you know, girl,

We both know it's a cruel world

But I will take my chances

As long as you love me

We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke

As long as you love me

I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold"

I smiled, as a few tears were slipping down my cheeks, as I listend to his angelic voice. He must've noticed I was crying, because he stopped singing and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. He kissed my lips for a few seconds, then smiling sweetly down at me.

"Don't cry beautiful" I shook my head lightly, blushing at his words. Justin merely chuckled lightly, pulling me closer, hugging me tightly. God, I love this side of him. The side that treats me like the princess I always wanted to be. The side, that showers me with kisses. The side, that makes me feel special and loved. The side that's like old Justin. That's the side I love about him.

"I love you, Justin" I breathed out, pecking his lips, as he smiled.

"I love you too, Ariana. So much you would never believe."

I smiled, as we both leaned in slowly, our lips soon touching. They moved in perfct sync against each other, my hands wrapped around Justin's neck, my fingers tugging lightly at the ends of his hair. He pulled me closed to him, kissing me with as much passion as possible. Maybe, just maybe he was really gonna change, for the better. Maybe everything would be like it used to be.

The next morning I woke up next to Justin, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I sighed, throwing the covers off from myself, trying to get out of Justin's tight grip. He murmured in his sleep, pulling me back, closer to him.

"Don't go, baby" he murmured, squinting his eyes open a bit. I smiled sweetly, kissing the top of his nose.

"I need to take a quick shower, baby, ill be back" I said, patting his head lightly. He pouted, but released his grip a bit, so that I could get to the bathroom. I smiled at him, blowing a kiss in the air. He was being so cute today, yesterday truly might've changed some things. I sure hope so. I stripped my pajamas to the floor, and jumped into the shower, letting the warm water flow over me. I felt so relaxed as I stood in there, just enjoying the water washing away everything, relaxing my muscles and making me feel happy.

— Justin —

Ariana went to the shower, and I slowly got up from the oh so comfy hotel bed, picking some clothes from my suitcase. I had to take a shower too actually, I guess lIl just take one after Ariana. I heard my phone buzz, and I went to get it from the nightstand. I was a unknown number - again. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what it was this time. You see, this unknown number has been bothering for some time now, sending me texts about Ariana and I. It seems almost like whoever sends these texts, would know exactly what's going on. Like this person would be watching us. That's just. creepy.

From: Unknown

Very cute little apology, Bieber. But soon enough you'll mess up and end up hurting her. And when that day comes, you better sleep one eye open. I'll be watching ya, Bieber.

This person was officially creeping me out. They knew about how I apologized to Ariana yesterday. They knew about me abusing her - which I'm not proud of at all - and it freaked me out. But, I'll have to make sure that l'Il never ever hurt Ariana again, I can't afford another mistake, because I know without her saying it that this is my last chance. And If I mess this one up, I'll lose her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Ariana stepped into the room. She was wearing some sweats and a white tank top. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wasn't wearing any make-up. Oh how beautiful she is.

I smiled at her, pulling her into a hug, kissing her forehead softly. She giggled, standing on her tippy-toes to kiss me on my lips. I pulled her up a little, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, deepening the kiss. I chuckled, breaking the kiss. Ariana pouted slightly, as I put her down. God, she is cute.

"I need to take a shower now, babygirl" I said, smiling at her. She nodded, grabbing the tv remote from the table and plopping down to the sofa. I gave her one quick peck on her lips before heading to the bathroom for a long refreshing shower.

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