4; "Now listen clearly, slut. Do not leave this dressing room."

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chapter four:

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"Well I didn't fucking expect you to be texting him now did I?" Justin yelled, his eyes were almost black. I shivered. I didn't know he had been going through my phone, and when he had asked if I had been texting another boy, I said no, and he went ballistic. He started yelling at me and calling me names. He also slapped me. Many times.

"Well I think I can text pretty much whoever I want?"

Justin glared at me, taking one step closer to me, as I took one back. I was scared of him, no scratch that, I was terrified.

"No, no you fucking can't!" Justin hissed, causing shivers to go down my spine. Suddenly, Justin grabbed me by my shoulders, and shook me violently, making me scream. It hurt. He was back to his own cruel, violent self. Suddenly, Justin slapped me, harder than ever before.

I shrieked in pain, and felt myself fall to the floor. Justin simply stared at me from above, his eyes showing pure hatred, there was no guilt, no regret, no nothing. Just pure fury.

"I hate you, Ariana" he spat.

Did you hear that? It was my heart shattering into billions of small pieces. I stared at him, trying to hide the hurt that was building up inside me. Justin didn't say a thing, but I saw his eyes soften up a bit. I sighed, knowing that he didn't even love me anymore, hell who would ever love me?

"I hate you too, Justin" I weakly said, my voice shaky. He looked at me, his eyes back to the usual golden brown. They showed hurt, and guilt. But it's a little too late for that now, isn't it? I slowly got up, wincing at the pain in my body. Justin furrowed his brows at my limping, and I just gave him a death stare. He seemed to realize it was because of him, and he gasped silently.

"I'm sorry, Ariana, I didn't mean to hurt you" he said, trying to grab my hand, but I flinched away.

"You already did, now fuck off" I spat. Justin shook his head, staring at me intensively. I soon grew annoyed of it, and snapped, maybe a bit harsh: "Quit the fucking staring"

Justin sighed, adjusting his gaze to the floor. I slowly started walking toward the door of the hotel room, as Justin's head suddenly snapped up. He looked annoyed again, which was bad. That bi-polarity of him seriously drives me crazy. He got up, and walked toward me. He pinned me up against the wall, staring at me.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked coldly. I thought for a while, so I could come up with an answer but didn't find one. Justin smirked at my speechlessnes.

"That's what I thought, babygirl" he said, dragging me away from the door. I knew he'd have a concert soon. That would be the perfect time to get away for him for a while. I really need that right now. I didn't look at Justin, just got out of his grip, and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind myself. Justin didn't even knock once on the door, I guess he just doesn't care after all. Like, to be honest, I know that he doesn't give a damn about me, with all that abusing me and calling me names and never letting me go anywhere. Because that's exactly how a boyfriend should act, hear the sarcasm there?

I stripped my clothes down and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water fall over my body, relaxing me. I suddenly rememberd that Niall had promised to text me later today, but now that Justin has my phone, I'm scared that he'll see it. And flip out again. I don't even know why he's so protective over me, because I wouldn't have left him in the first place, but now... Now that he's become an abusive monster I just might consider leaving him now, because he's constantly abusing me and accusing me of things I haven't done. I hate that side of him. But I could never hate him completely, because I love him too much for that.

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