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E P I S O D E  1 4 [√]p a g e  f o u r t e e n  :  H E A T W A V E

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E P I S O D E  1 4 [√]
p a g e  f o u r t e e n  :  H E A T W A V E

takemichi tried his best to suppress a giggle; biting his lips unintentionally cutely with his two bunny front teeth chewing on his bottom lip. rindou couldn't help but stare, completely forgetting haruchiyo drawing circles around a sleeping ran's eyes and open mouth, adding freckles on the sleeping boy's cheeks with a permanent marker he had asked to borrow from takemichi who hadn't had any bit of idea what the boy would use it for. not until now.

as soon as the white haired male was finish, he closed the marker with its cap with a click, slightly causing the sleeping boy to stir awake.

takemichi swiftly places his mug of milk down and went back to making sunny-side-up eggs, bacons, and hotdogs  for the five of them — grandma chiyo was still asleep due to the exhaustion from work yesterday. but thankfully today's sunday; her day off. she could sleep all day and trust the four boys to help around the house.

and ran seemed like he didn't get much sleep from him still dozing off on the dining table. "did you  guys sleep alright last night?" takemichi asked, seemingly in a good mood as he didn't get the nightmare while he was asleep.

rindou perks up, switching his focus on his mug of hot chocolate. "slept alright. better, even. well, kuya here stayed up chatting with his friends all night. now look at him." (kuya / older brother)

ran grunts, hearing what his young brother said but he still looked sleepy and drowsy. drunk, if you could call him that. "i did not." before his forehead met with his forearm again, napping for exactly three seconds before he looked up again. "i was talking to them about the training camp. which is an important topic."

"oh so you can't talk to them the next day? tomorrow?" haruchiyo monotonously asks with all the sarcasm in the world, twiddling the marker between his index and middle finger.

early morning and they're already ganging up on me. ran rolled his eyes annoyedly and faced away, his temple meeting his forearm.

his eyes fell on the blonde; wearing a brown apron with his back facing them. ran couldn't help but smile. "good morning, pretty." almost looking like a drunk with his sleepy lazy eyes and lop sided grin. "napanaginipan kita kagabi. nasa beach tayo tapos gabi non tapos sobrang ganda mo." ( / i dreamt of you last night. we were at the beach and it was nighttime and you were so pretty.)

takemichi blushes; hearing someone call him pretty 's definitely the first time. but all the pink shade on his cheeks blew away when the thought of ran kidding with him crossed his mind. he slightly turned and smiled sunnily at the boy. "6 am and you're already talkative? side effect of staying up late?"

rindou shook his head lazily. "side effect of dreaming about you." he purposely trailed off, taking another loud sip of his hot chocolate milk. "madaldal yan pag maganda panaginip."

𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩 . various / takeWhere stories live. Discover now