The project

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Once Iruka sensei's class ended, Sasuke was still in shock that he ended up being partnered up with Naruto. He can't really say he's mad about it, but he also can't say he's happy about it either. Why you may ask? Well, people are just gonna bother him even more about not having the right to hang out with him, let alone be in the same room as him.

I mean, he does have a right, he got partnered up with him for a project, that should atleast be an exception.

He wouldn't have bothered Naruto in the first place if it wasn't for that damn project, but he had too. The project was a grade after all and he didn't wanna fail it. He doubted Naruto wouldn't want to fail either.


It was now time for lunch, and he was making his way toward the cafeteria.

As he got his lunch, he made his way to his table in the corner. Yeah, "his" table. Why? Because no one else bothered to sit there since he already had. It was as if he carried the plague, no one wanted to be around him. Mostly in fear of being bullied as well for getting to close to him.

He then sat down, alone of course, and placed his food on the table. As he started eating, his eyes moved towards a boy with bright blonde hair who was smiling, laughing, eyes full of joy as he was hanging out with his group of friends.

Sasuke couldn't help but smile a bit. As lonely as he was, he didn't care. At all actually, all he cared about, was that Naruto was safe and happy.

His eyes then shifted toward a table that had a group of people going by the names of Neji, Shikamaru, Choji, Gaara and Lee. The only people who actually didn't mind talking to him or being around him in general.

They didn't care if he was the number 1's most hated person in the entire school. For starters, Neji, Choji and Gaara just thought it was stupid. Lee thought that any kind of friendship was one of the powers of youth and Shikamaru.. well Shikamaru just thought the whole thing was a big drag.

And Sasuke was thankful for that. Thankful for the fact that he could talk to them whenever he wanted —not that he was really interested in talking to them— or that he at least had some people to talk to whenever he desperately needed it.

As Sasuke was lost in his own little world, he didn't notice the tan hand waving in front of his face.

"-uke.. Helloo.. Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed, shaking him a little.

Jaw gapping a bit at the sight —or scratch
that— at the person in front of him, he says "Oh s-sorry" cursing himself for stuttering, still in slight shock. "I didn't notice you there" He says looking at him fully.

"No, its alright" Naruto says, reassuring the other before continuing "I just wanted to know when and where we could start working on our project."

Sasuke froze, he hadn't planned anything, let alone thought about it. 'We could maybe head to his house or wait- no maybe he doesn't want to. Then we'll just go to my house idiot' he thought scolding himself 'But what if he wanted to go to his house? I mean would he even be comfortable in mine?!'

Naruto, noticing his little freak out and his brief moment of silence he then says, "I don't mind what you end up deciding ya know, I was just asking you what you wanted to do."

Seeing Sasuke visibly relax, he smiled a little at the scene.

"Well we could maybe head to my house if you want- or maybe we could just go to yours??" Sasuke suggested.

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