Chapter 21 Restless

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warnings for this chapter death, corpses, cannibalism, murder, insomnia, sneaking out of the house late at night, medicine for insomnia, and stress caused by noise


There's a difference between being insomnia and being nocturnal. Though Alloy didn't really care beyond "My dad has insomnia and I'm nocturnal"

Alloy however also knew that both him and his dad were simply born that way though they didn't take the specially modified sleep medicine for skeletons and other monsters without a circulatory system.

Alloy also knew that during the night he wanted to explore and fly but since their wing was damaged they settled for sneaking out of the house going for walks.

On one of these walks they found a partially decayed human body, its fingers cut off, eyes removed and organs chewed. They simply shrugged it off and continued their walk.

On another walk they heard screaming. Now the only reason they were bothered was that that the noise was loud.

Pressing their hands to their earmuffs in order to block more of the sound, Alloy headed towards the source wanting to get it to stop.

The moth found a red headed human in the process of killing a person with a ghost nearby lightly dozing off.

Alloy whined lowly as the screaming continued. In order to get rid of the noise an attack in the shape of a dragon-like scale slammed into the dying humans neck near instantly stopping the screaming which was replaced by a slight gurgling sound and then silence.

Alloy Font nee Scale

Level 2

They took a deep breath. The red head and the now awake ghost stared at Alloy.

"What the fuck kid that was my kill!"

Alloy presses their hands against their earmuffs again at the yelling "To loud"

"Promise chill, I don't think they actually meant to kill your dinner."

The ghost's voice was echoey and Alloy whined slightly at the reverb. The yelling stopped and they removed their hands.

Promise turned and whispered to the ghost.

"Well should I kill him?"

Alloy's sensitive ears picked up on the words his fur and antennas bristled as he readied to run away.

"No I don't think so he looks kinda like that kid that Sock sometimes plays with"

Alloy's fur stopped bristling at that "Usually Percy plays with Sock I just sometimes get dragged into their games"

"Got it so you're a friend I'm Metra"

The ghost didn't even seem surprised that Alloy could hear the whispered conversation though Promise's eyes had widened.

Soon Alloy was headed home as Promise and Metra carved up the dead body for food.

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