#8 The queen of the forest (Don't read if you don't like chaos)

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Firestar: Hey its your guy, Firestar, and welcome back to 50 ways to kill Bluestar.

Jayfeather: You don't seem ethastic.

Firestar: oy, bluestar!

Bluestar: What do you want now?

Firestar:  Bluestar i'm sorry for trying to kill you.

Bluestar: *suprised* what?????

Firestar: I'd like to make it up to you.

Bluestar: how?

Firestar: I herbay crown you queen of the forest.

Bluestar: I humbly exept this promation.

Firestar: Great!

Bluestar: Make me a throne and crown!

Firestar: oh! okay.

Bluestar: No, you say yes your magesty!

*Firestar sneaks away*

*comes back with crown and throne*

Firestar: Here.

1 moon later...

Firestar: Bluestar go back to starclan!

Bluestar: no i will take over every peice of territory here!!!!

Firestar: WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Bluestar: Shut up!

Firestar: NooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNooooooNoooooo 

Bluestar you are not queen!

Bluestar: *eats catnip* Now try to stop meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!  

Jayfeather: Okay firestar this is YOUR Fault!

Firestar: Now what?

Brambleclaw: It can't get worse than this. If Bluestar cloned herself then it would be MUCCCCCCHHHHHHH worse...

Bluestar: GREAT IDEA! *clones herself million times* Feel my wrath *clones herself* you will all be *clones herself* DESTROYED!!!!!

(Old and Discontinued) 50 ways to kill BluestarWhere stories live. Discover now