Chapter 1: A cursed summoning

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We where all laughing at emo Hancock, me watching the chaos going on, while Nate is chocking on Dr Pepper. Jess is singing CPR X MISERY, Mariam joining in with the duet in the background, Nate trying to join in but is chocking on Dr Pepper. I went off to the library and found a book, wow so surprising, I stumble across a book called ' The Records of the Four Holy Weapons ', I flip through the book, while hearing the chaos from my friends out side, I go to put the book down and I get seemingly get transported into to the book.

 While I got sucked into the realm of the book, Nate struggled to breathe  in the middle of the road because emo Hancock is just that funny I guess. As my beloved friend chocked on their own sense of humour, my two other friends attempted to help them but unfortunately, because they were in the middle of the road, they got hit by a bus (should've looked left to right. didn't primary school teach them anything). Thanks to the wonderful world of anime tropes, they were transported to the same realm as me (how convenient). 

"WELL DONE NATE, YOU DING DANG GOT US ALL KILLED," shouted an angry Jess. However, the anger in Jess's voice did not seem to erase Nate's excitement over his life long dream being fulfilled. "I've done it finally! I've been hit by a car and Jess didn't get to me before hand yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ( the yay went on for a solid 5 minutes) IN YOUR FACE". "What the fuck....." I replied confused, in response to what I was hearing. "LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE" Nate exclaimed in response to my blasphemous words. it was strangely intimidating, likely because Mariam began playing creepy music as Nate began shouting 'language, language'. I wonder if she and Nate had prepared this for future situations. I wondered what else they have prepared for, but I'd rather not think about as it sends shivers down my spine. I was already confused because of the fact they all had weapons and I was holding a sword but now I was also kind of creeped out. I felt eyes fall on me. Jess asked, "how the hell did Ash die, they where the safest one there in the library, or did they get stabbed in the library." jess was concerned that a serial killer had began killing people in library.

Weary old wrinkled men, aged with the telling ancient lines of all elder beings, gazed down, their eyes hazy with an unusual mix of excitement and profound confusion. They looked down upon the 4 chaotic vigilante heros  (NOTICE THE OXYMORON AND TELL NATE HE IS THE BEST WRITER THAT EVER LIVED) the gathering of elderly monks, continued to gaze down in awe at the teen prodigies situated upon the altar, a wonderment stirring in their clearly inferior ancient minds as they basked in the glory and brilliance of the lionhearted champions that, somehow, were stood right in front of their lesser, elderly figures, and somehow it was not a dream, it was real. Visceral. The 4 magnificent almost godly kids, graced them with their holy presence.

Ignoring the small yet stupid comments of their so called heros, the men in robes asked, "Oh, heros! Please save our world!"What where we supposed to do, we weren't 'heros', we where just some brain dead teens who died in the most stupidest way possible. "Heros," I muttered to myself in confusion. "What does this mean," asked Mariam, being the only calm one at this point because Jess and Nate looked like they where going to scrap it out. "There are many complications in this situation, but to offer a simple answer to your question, we have just completed an ancient ceremony and summoned you four heros." Again with calling us heros and wait did he say he summoned us, are we not at home, to be honest I did notice an information bar in my field of view, although I was curious I chose to ignore it. "We would humbly appreciate that you seek an audience with the king. He will discuss further details with you in the throne room." Ok then, welp this seemed like something out of a game or an anime, but we just followed along. 

We walked out of the darkened room and down a hallway made of stone. I was able to take a glance out of the window and just as we had all predicted, we had been transported to another world.

We arrived at the throne room. 

"Huh, why are the holy heros just a bunch of teenagers?"

The king introduced himself as Aultcray Melromarc XXXII, and that he ruled the lands of Melromarc. He explained that their world was on the brink of destruction and they had summoned the 4 holy heros, I'm guessing us, as their last hope, ha they got unlucky, they just ended up with a bunch of immature teenagers.

Wow, well they are screwed, we where lucky that we could understand it all thanks to our weapons basically letting us hear whatever language they where speaking in English.   "So you summon us from our world, expect us to fight for you because we are a last resort, apparently, yeah, yeah........ WE ARE LITERAL CHILDREN GROWING INTO YOUNG ADULTS," shouted Jess, she seemed like she was going insane from the confusion of being summoned to another world, same here to be honest. Wait didn't the rest of them get ran over and I was sucked into a book but ended up in another world, so if we wanted to return home we would all be dead, meaning that we would die as soon as we got there or in my case just come back from being missing from god knows how many years I end up getting stuck in this world. "Why should we be expected to help when you summoned us against our own will, do we get any compensation for our efforts," I stated clearly a little pissed off. 

"Hmmmmmm...." He seemed to be thinking.

"Of course we are planning on compensating you on your efforts,"  "good", I thought to myself.

"Naturally," continued the king, "I've mad arrangements to support you financially and also to provide you whatever you may require in thank of your efforts on our behalf."

"Well as long as you keep to your word we will be willing to help you out," Mariam happily replied and the rest of us nodded in agreement. Am I the only one who still feels murderous intent from Jess towards Nate or is it just me, meh, I'll go grab some popcorn and watch this shit go down.

"Very well then, heros. Tell us your names."

I guess first up is me, I started "My name is Ash. I am 16 years old and a high school student."

Next up was Jess, she quickly dispelled the murderous energy radiating from her and started to introduce herself "My name is Jess. I am 13 years old and I am also a high school student from the same school as the others that you see before you."

The next one was to speak up was Nate, they seemed anxious, but they quickly spoke "My name is Nate. I'm 15 years old and in high school,"

Last up was Mariam, she proudly said, "My name is Mariam, I am 15 years old, and as you would have already guessed I am a high school student just like everyone else."

The king nodded, "Now then, Ash, Jess and Nate, correct?"

All of us stood up and said in sync, "HEY, you forgot Mariam!!"

"Ah yes, pardon me, miss Mariam."

This old guy seemed slooooowwwwwww, urg.

"Now then, heros, please confirm your status and five yourselves an objective evaluation."

The others seemed confused so I said, "there is a little icon in the left corner, focus on that and you'll see it,"

I focused on the icon myself and I saw my stats. It seemed similar to an internet browser.



Class: Sword Hero LV 1

Equipment: Small Sword (legendary weapon)

Other world clothes

Skills: none 

Magic: none


The king explained status magic to us and how it worked, and he also mentioned that we wouldn't be able to form a party together because of the four holy weapons interfering with each other making it almost impossible for us to grow stronger. Wait, that means we wouldn't see much of each other, that sucks, hopefully we can keep in contact regularly so we don't drift apart.

It was getting dark and the king suggested we should turn int for the night, so we did that.

We all thanked him and went over to our chambers. 

NOTE: HELLO, it is one of the authors (Ash, the one who's account this is XD) anyway hopped you liked this, tis very cursed but iconic, Jess and Nate went on chaos mode while writing 2 of the paragraphs which I iconic so yeet.

Me and my friends replaced the four cardinal heros-shield hero fan fiction Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now