Chapter 3: Travels start today >:D..... 3

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We had just left the castle gates, we where talking about what we should do during our travels. "I think I'm going to explore the town for a few days to get used to the place, I'm going to see if I can recruit some trust worthy companions, buy some armour and I'm probably going to try and level up a bit." I exclaimed. I heard Nate whisper to themselves, "I wanna figure out a way to ditch these guys, they give me awful energy," I gave a confused but understanding look because I knew how bad Nate was at adjusting to new people. I whispered to Nate, "Hey, once you have ditched these guys, you can come party hunting with me to try and find people who seem easy to get on with," Nate nodded and we both ran off from Nate's party, and just like that, Nate removed everyone from there party and bolted it into the medieval looking town. We heard Nates party members trying to chase after us but they where stopped and I heard some giggles from Jess and Mariam while they where watching us speed into the town.

"huf, huf,...... WELP THAT JUST HAPPENED," I said still catching my breath, "yep, that was funny," Nate replied. This probably looked really strange because there where a pair of teenagers dressed in strange outfits, our uniform but they didn't know that, with weapons. As soon as we knew it, we got a bunch of confused stares in the streets so we quickly got out of there without causing much a commotion.

We did some people watching a found out where we could get some good armour, we approached this weapon shop, and as we entered we stumbled across Mariam and the red haired girl choosing some armour to start off their travels. The guy at the counter greeted us and this caught the attention of the red haired girl and Mariam. Mariam seemed happy to see me and Nate but her face turned to more of a smirk, as if she was about to giggle, "What was that all about outside the castle, we didn't even get to part ways, you guys just ran off into town," she said trying to contain her laughter, "Haha, Nate wanted to find their own party so we ran off in order to get away from the people who chose Nate, because Nate got bad vibes from them," I stated awkwardly, "Hello, sword hero, bow hero," said the red haired girl giving off obvious two face vibes, "hi......" I said quietly while looking in another direction, Nate stayed quiet, Mariam gave an awkward smile, "We have just finished choosing out my armour, also I can't wield a weapon other than this shield so that's a bummer," she sighed. "Anyway, we are going to go grind some levels, so I'll probably see you later, because Ash, you said u where going to get used to here for a little bit, so I'm assuming that Nate is going to stick with you until they find some teammates, byeeeee," Mariam waved goodbye while leaving the weapon shop, "Byeeeee," Nate and I waved her off.

We approached the counter where the weapon shop guy was stood, he looked happy because it seemed like he was happy to be serving the legendary heros. "Welcome!!!" the weapon shop guy said from behind the counter, I replied awkwardly "hi...", I'm going to assume you two are 2 of the four legendary heros due to your strange clothes, just like the young lady with the shield," he exclaimed happy to help. "Yes," I replied. "So are you guys looking for some armour to get you started on your adventures," He asked, this guy seemed warm and welcoming, "Yep, do you have any armour that could go just under 200 silvers that is still of decent quality?" I asked, "Yes, you two can have a look over there are see some armour you like," He said while pointing towards some nice looking armour. I looked at some and picked out something that looked a little bit like a hoodie with short sleeves, it was white with blue stripes around the arms, but it was padded with some armour around the breasts and shoulders, I also picked out some pants that looked similar to lose black jeans, they where padded with some armour, some armoured gloves, a scarf that reached down to my knees and some steel toe cap boots that reached around half way below my knees. While Nate chose out some gloves that had a skeleton pattern on them that reached all the way up their arms, they got a long sleeved black hoodie, padded with armour, they chose a chocker and some chain accessories, some black leggings padded with a little bit of armour and some platform boots that looked hard to walk in but I'm sure they will manage. "Ok, for the sword hero, that will be 190 silver pieces, and for the bow hero, that will be 200 silver pieces," the weapon shop owner said, "okie," I said with a happy tone, I handed over the 190 silvers and Nate handed over the 200 silvers so that left me with 410 silvers and it had left Nate with 400 silvers, we got changed into our armour, thanked the weapon shop guy and we set off to go look for some party members.

Me and my friends replaced the four cardinal heros-shield hero fan fiction Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now