Making Plans

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I was out running my usual errands while Hayley was in school. I was walking through the cereal aisle, browsing to make sure they had her Trix. I wasn't paying attention and until I felt a body behind me. "So you're out alone? Kid in school?" I jumped a foot in the air before turning to see who the offender was.

"You make it a habit of sneaking up on unsuspecting mothers?"

"Only the ones that I run into in the cereal aisle. I never did catch your name though."

"So how have you been referring to me?"

"Goddess, pretty eyes, momma."

"Flattering. But you can just call me by my real name, Miley."

"Is it because you like to smiley?" I give him a look. "Ok, I'm assuming you heard that a lot growing up?"

"All the fucking time. And should I keep calling you Mr. Freezy like my daughter does or do you have a name?"

"I kinda like it when you call me Mr. Freezy." I shiver as he leans in to whisper that in my ear.

"Well then Mr. Freezy, are you following me or was this meeting just a stroke of luck?"

"I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya."

I laugh, missing the dangerous glint that flashes in his eyes. "Name's Robert Pronge."

"Can I call you Robbie?" I ask with a light laugh.

"Toots, you can call me whatever you like."

"So Robbie. You know my name, you know my daughter. But I don't know much about you. Apart from your relationship status which is as sad as mine."

"Not much to know really. Single as they come. No family except for my son who lives with my cunt of an ex girlfriend."

I laugh. "Oh I know all about those."

"Hayley's father not around?"

"That would mean that he owned up to his part in her conception and gave a shit." I say as he pushes my cart down the next aisle as I place the groceries I need into it. We eventually make it to the checkout and he helps me place my groceries on the belt, placing his own behind them.

"This all together?" The lady manning the register asks.

"Yeah." Robbie says before I could respond. I turn to him, eyebrow raised. "My treat." He says in way of an explanation. I just nod. No one has offered to pay for my groceries before. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet but I also can't stop the blush that creeps up my neck onto my cheeks.

After he pays for our things, he follows me to my car, insisting on helping me load them up. "You really didn't have to do this."

"Something tells me its been way too long since someone helped you. You seem like the type who's always doing for others, not bothering to take care of yourself in the process."

"Huh. We've barely known each other an hour and you're already able to see through me that easily?"

"It's a gift. Let me take care of you. Maybe starting with lunch tomorrow?"

"Is this you asking me on a date?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah, it is."

"Well then, lunch sounds lovely. Where do you want to meet?"

"There's this little bistro on 4th and Main. Meet there at 11?"

"Sounds good." I say before fishing out a marker from my bag. "Give me your receipt." He hands it over, eyebrows raised in an unasked question. I scribble my cell number down before handing it back to him. "Just in case." I say with a wink before turning to take my cart to the return corral. When I turned back to go to my car, he was gone. This man was odd. Enticing and alluring, but odd.

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