Battle! Guzma

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Guzma was standing outside the stadium. He had been planning to teach this Ash kid a lesson to never mess with him.

This boy was a little over-energetic, excited on anything, and eager to battle. He had been meaning to knock down this kid down a peg or two.

But now it seemed difficult. He had searched his history before Alola, and he was surprised he was an Orange champion! He was also a runner-up for Kalos league.

He was sure he would win, when a Z-move from the yellow rodent couldn't even dent his Golisopod. He was impressed by this kid's strength. He had taken down a Darkrai and Latios.

He speculated this would be his most difficult battle ever, and he would welcome it. After all, Guzma, leader of Team Skull wouldn't have fun, would he?


Guzma was opposite facing Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. He wasn't sure if he should do what he was thinking to do. This kid's eyes were experienced. Like a veteran, like he had seen every difficulty in the world.

And those didn't belong to a child. He decided he should test him, see if all those news were true or not.

He gave him a arrogant smirk, which was matched by Ash's own confident grin.

"And this is a battle between Ash Ketchum, and Guzma! Let's welcome them and may the strongest trainer win!" The announcer said to the audience.

The audience cheered quite loudly. Ash had been told to defeat Guzma for Lana, but Ash had declined it immediately. When his classmates got angry and upset, he explained further that he would be doing it for himself.

They left their gloomy states immediately and hugged him in a group hug. Sure, Ash hadn't expected it, but he had a score to settle with Guzma for calling him incompetent.

He looked over at Guzma. He was tall, well built, definitely mean looking. He had an air around him, which basically seemed to say 'Don't mess with me, or you'll pay'. But the next thing confused Ash. Guzma' s eyes were cold and calculating, and held resentment. But beneath it, a tiniest sliver of respect showed in his eyes. What exactly made that happen then?

He shook his thoughts out. He should be concentrating in his battle rather than contemplating on someone's emotions. Pikachu on his shoulder gave a cute "Pika!" with concern. "I'm Alright Pikachu. Just worried, that's all." Ash assured his partner.

He took a deep breath and took out his pokeball, which contained one of his old buddies and had been recently transferred by Professor Oak. Guzma took out his pokeball before throwing it. "Go Scizor!"

A Red sleek bug pokemon hovered across the ground. It had wings on its back and was flying.

Perfect. His current pokemon's greatest enemy. "Go Heracross!"

"Hera cross!" Heracross cried out. It was a massive bug and fighting black beetle, with a long horn on its head.

"Challenger Guzma brings out his trusty Scizor, who had been vital in defeating Illima's Mega Kangaskhan. And Challenger Ash brings out Heracross, the mighty bug Pokémon of Johto! Folks, I can already tell this is going to be an amazing battle. Whoever wins will proceed to the finals of the tournament." The Announcer said.

Kukui came between the field as a referee and asked "Are both of you ready?" Both of them nodded. Kukui seemed satisfied and yelled "Battle Begin!"

Ash utilized his first move "Heracross! Use Arm Thrust!"

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