Battle! Gladion

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The time was here.

Tomorrow, Ash would battle Gladion, his rival in the Alola region. Who would've thought he would have chance to be a champion again? Not after his loss in Kalos.

He sighed deeply, still not feeling sleepy in his bed. His Meltan had just evolved to a Melmetal. It would be unfair to not bring him in the fight, but he was inexperienced.

He was frustrated. Obviously, he liked Melmetal's determination to make him win the tournament. But now he had a bigger problem. He had chosen his team, now he would have to deposit one so he could use Melmetal.

Then an idea struck him. He smirked. Gladion would not know what hit him.


The cheers did not matter to Gladion. He was never a social person. The person he was battling today, he was his complete opposite. Friendly, outgoing, and cheerful. But he had shown his strength. Now it was his turn.

He readied his pokeball and waited for the signal. Ash was smiling "Good luck Gladion!"

Gladion smirked and gave him a thumbs up.

"Battle Begin!"

Gladion and Ash sent out their Pokémon at the same time "Go Silvally/Melmetal!"

Then a hulking beast stood in front of his Silvally. "What... What is that thing?"

Ash smirked "That is my newly evolved Pokémon. Gladion, meet Melmetal, the evolved form of Meltan!"

"Chhh... Silvally, use Air Slash!" Gladion commanded. Silvally threw blades of air towards the steel beast, while Ash countered with "Melmetal, use Double Iron Bash!"

Melmetal started spinning really fast, which was impossible as thought by Gladion. The Air Slashes were deflected back to Silvally who nimbly dodged it.

"So that's what it is. Silvally, use Crush Claw!" Gladion shouted.

Silvally started running towards Melmetal with its glowing claw. Ash shouted to Melmetal "Use Double Iron Bash again! And again!"

This time the move hit Silvally in the face which stagerred back to the ground. Gladion was worried. Never had he battled a Pokémon like this. Then he suddenly had an idea. He took out his Fire Type Memory Disk and said "O' Silvally, accept this Memory and become the Raging Beast of Fire!"

Silvally's horn turned red. "Now use Multi Attack! Burn it down!"

Ash's eyes widened. He had to do something fast. Melmetal looked at him for a moment. Ash accepted the fate, he knew the risks of bringing a newly evolved Pokémon.

"I forfeit Melmetal." There was a surprise in the crowd. Gladion looked surprised too, but maintained his cold emotionless look. Ash recalled Melmetal back "Sorry bud, guess it's not your time to shine. Don't worry, we'll redeem you."

He took out another one of his Pokeball. Then he thought better. He turned to his partner sitting on his shoulder "Wanna get 'Em Chu?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu replied jumping to the battlefield. Then he commanded "Quick Attack! Then hurl an Electroweb!"

Gladion countered "Use Crush Claw! Then Air Slash!"

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