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They all silently exchange looks among each other as Taehyung kept quiet since the moment they has explained all that went down during his absent , the pretty was indeed mad.

Not at hoseok or anyone but himself , he felt so stupid and dumb for getting everyone into such complicated moment. He badly wants to slap himself on the face until he regain his lost senses which he doubt he have got in the first place because who the fuck in their right senses voluntary wish for death ? Just because of some dumb ass bitch comment?.

But again , he didn't take the decision because of Hana words. He just felt suffocated in himself thinking he'd never be perfect for Jungkook, what Jungkook might thought when he found out he's not healthy.

But stupid him , because he just got up from death bed and here is Jungkook still right In front of him.

He's still here. Still.

He sighs closing his eyes for some moments before opening it back and tear his gaze towards Jungkook who was frowning as he stare at him worriedly causing Taehyung to mentally smile, even tho he can tell Jungkook was trying to ignore him--- the male can't probably stay away from him for minutes.

"Uh-- my legs hurts" he suddenly whine out loudly making all of them mouth left agape but they sighs out knowing they won't be having Taehyung breakdown about hoseok's decision anytime soon but Mr Kim can definitely sees pass his son facade , he knows someone is going get their ass kick the moment Taehyung get discharged and that person is no one other than Jung hoseok.

"Want a massage? It's your life hoe , just get discharged and watch me make you my slave for hundred years" jimin said stepping forward to massage the pretty male leg , the said male scoff under his breath before rolling his eyes.

"Bold of you to assume you'll last for hundred years-- Taehyung wince when jimin twisted his ankle harshly making the laying male yell out and snap his leg out of jimin's hold , the elders in the room just facepalm at the two.

Taehyung smile under his breath when he sees Jungkook fisted his hands by his side at the way jimin has inflict pain on him , Tae smile mentally when Jungkook step forward towards his leg and gently push jimin aside.

"Don't hurt him , he just woke up" Jungkook grumble out softly taking the pretty male legs and starts massaging it for him , jimin wink at taehyung who subtly give him a thumb up.

The elders in the room shakes their head when they finally realized jimin and Taehyung has just got Jungkook to step closer to tae without them knowing , the soulmate are indeed something.

They all confusedly stare when Taehyung was glaring at them then to the door , it took jimin's help for them to understand Taehyung's was chasing them out of the room.

They dramatically clears their throat.

"We'll be in the garden" Mr park announce before walking out of the room with others and they all roll their eyes when Jungkook didn't even raise his head to look at them.

The room was left in awkward silence after others has left leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone until the pretty male decided to speak up.

"Jungkook?" The said male hum without meeting Taehyung's gaze and that makes the boy pout , he was used to having Jungkook attention on him without even asking for it but now that he was desperately in need of it--- he didn't even get it.

You really don't know what you got until it gone.

"I-- remember what happened before I collapsed-

Taehyung bite his lips harshly when Jungkook hand pause and the male finally raise his head up to meet his gaze for the first time.

"Really ? Then how does it feel? Giving your body to me just to have me blame myself for your current situation?" Jungkook ask titling his neck and Taehyung flinch back slightly from the coldness in Jungkook's voice.


"Shut up right there Kim Taehyung, do you know how fucking  worried I was when you suddenly disappear after we had our intimate moment together?-- that night ,I thought maybe we are finally getting somewhere but I just have to found out you did it not because you want me but because you wanted to die! Do you hate me that much!?!" Taehyung bite his lips staring down at his laps , he was really feeling like a shit for his decision right now.

But he snap his head up when he heard sniffing only to come face to face with a crying Jungkook, Taehyung gasps and try to sit up only wince in pain causing Jungkook to worriedly check on him even with his teary eyes.

"A-are you okay? Should I call the doctor?" In another situation, Taehyung would've laugh loudly at Jungkook snorts messed face and how was still worry about him when Taehyung can clearly tell he's mad at him.

"I'm fine kook but please don't cry-- I hate your tears

Jungkook scoff rolling his eyes as he gently sits at the edge of Taehyung's bed.

"Yeah I can see how much you hate my tears when you decided to leave me alone" Jungkook sarcastically roll his eyes making Taehyung sighs loudly , he was left with no choice than to emotionally blackmail Jungkook.

"B-but I said I'm sorry , I'm here now right?-- you're making me sad by getting mad at me . I am a patient here and you're stressing me with your anger , why can't you forget about it hun?" Taehyung pout staring at Jungkook who just shakes his head and look away from him making the pretty male also Huff dramatically.

"Kook can you put your head here?" Jungkook turn his gaze towards Taehyung who was patting his shoulder for him , the older male was confused nevertheless did as he was told. Not like he can ever say no to Taehyung either way.

Taehyung turn his head to peck Jungkook's cheeks immediately the older male place his head on his shoulder, he then gently and softly raise one of his arm and place it on Jungkook's back patting it softly.

"I know my acts was so insensitive and I'm badly regretting it right now , please forgive me baby? Taehyung softly stated but frown when Jungkook head snap up instantly and the male was staring at him with his eyes wide open.

"C-can you repeat that again?" Taehyung frown at Jungkook glittering eyes as he mentally wonder what's special about his apology, he sighs and open his mouth either way.

"I said I am sorry--

He was cut off by Jungkook.

"No ! No ! Not that , only the last word you said before" Jungkook impatiently bounce on his stand making Taehyung frown deeper but he tilted his neck when his head finally register what's going on.

"Baby?" He grumble out and almost got blinded with the wide smile that invaded Jungkook's face.



"Again again" Taehyung sighs at Jungkook exclaim and mentally sulk on the fact that Jungkook only care about what he call him out of his heartfelt apology right now.

"No , not when you're still mad at me" Taehyung mumble out making Jungkook frown.

"Uh-uh? Who's mad? And at you? When? Who told you that? , My name is Jungkook and I don't get mad-- so say it again quickly" Jungkook innocent bash his lashes at taehyung who was press his lips into thin line.

Others that are listening to their conversation from the door can't help but make a disgusting face.

"I swear I don't know him" Mrs Jeon exclaims walking away which causes others to laugh out loudly at the woman denying her son so confidently.


Sorry for mistakes

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