Chapter 2 - First Assembly

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"Madam, abeg comot your moto for road! See as you just dey cause traffic anyhow."

"This woman, move now!"

"Which kain driving be this one again?"

We are in traffic. A young woman's car stopped in the middle of the very busy road that leads to our school. The poor lady is trying to figure out how to start it again, while receiving insults from every side of the road. The worst part is that she was trying to turn when it stopped so the car is positioned horizontally, making it difficult for other people to pass.

I look at my watch again and sigh. It's just ten minutes to assembly and I really don't want to be late on this first day of the semester. Our Uber driver has since come out of the car and is part of the crowd of people shouting instructions at the flustered lady. I look over at my brother in the front seat who is fast asleep.

"Nnamdi!" I shake him.

"What? What happened?" He rubs his eyes and looks around, "Where is Kelechi?"

I almost roll my eyes.

"We dropped him already, remember? But look, it's 7: 20 and we're not close to school yet. This woman went and spoilt her car in the middle of the road and everyone is busy arguing. I don't want to go late!"

"Calm down, bikonu. Why are you shouting?" He hisses.

He opens the car and walks up the woman's car.

"Good morning, ma. Let me take a look at your car. Just open this..."

Now I'm glad Daddy taught Nnamdi some things about cars. Even though he can't drive yet, he made sure that he knew the basics and some more.

He gets it fixed with the help of our Uber driver and another man. When the woman's car finally starts working, she thanks him profusely.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." She offers a N1000 note to Nnamdi which he refuses and the other man greedily snatches up.

Soon, we are back on our way to school.

"Ahn ahn! Look at you. Mr Superman!" I tease him.

"Please leave me alone and let me sleep!" He leans back on the headrest of the car and closes his eyes.


We arrive in school just as the bell for assembly rings. I dash off to my class to drop my bag and join the students lining up on the assembly ground. The prefects punishing latecomers thankfully don't see me.

Even though Sky High Academy is a very Westernised and chill school, there are still some Nigerian parts of it.

Nnamdi strolls over to the prefects and starts talking to some of them. No one even cares that he's late. I guess being the head boy has its perks.

When we are all lined up, a teacher starts to call on someone to lead the morning prayers.

"Edozie! Oya, come and pray for us." Mr Wale booms.

I don't realize he's talking to me until someone nudges me from behind.

"Go now."

Oh. Oh no. It's one thing to pray on my own knowing only God can hear me. It's another thing altogether to pray in front of all these students who are all clearly already judging me.

I shake my head at the teacher, silently pleading with him to choose someone else.

"You want to serve punishment, abi? Come on, come up here and pray jor."

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