Chapter 6 - Class Elections

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I roll over to the other side of my bed when the light rays shining on my face become too harsh.


Light rays???

Immediately, I sit up and look outside, jerking my curtains apart.

It's daylight.

I look at my bedside clock and realise it's 6:27.

Yanking my blanket off my body, I hop out of bed. How on earth did I forget to set my alarm? Now I only have about twenty minutes to prepare breakfast, take a shower, get dressed and go to school if I want to get there early.

I turn the heater on and hurriedly make my bed. My other shirt is already ironed. Thank God my mom made me get everything ready at once. I set out everything on my bed.

Are Nnamdi and Kelechi even awake?

I dash out and pound on their door.

Nnamdi walks out of the bathroom next to their room, fresh from the shower. He looks at me in annoyance.

"Why are you always trying to break our door? What is it?"

"If you were already awake, why didn't you wake me up?" I say, hotly.

"I thought you were already awake. Move. I want to dress up." He brushes past me, opens then shuts the door in my face.

Before he does, I catch a glimpse of Kelechi sitting on the bed and tying his shoelaces. He's already dressed.

What on earth? Why didn't anyone wake me up?


By the time I'm ready, it's already 7:00. I'm so furious with my brothers. Anytime they don't wake up on time, I wake them up. And they can't even do the same for me.

"Muna, your food is on the table." Nnamdi tells me when I come down the stairs. Kelechi isn't there.

Nnamdi made breakfast? So he did try to make things easier. My anger melts.

I turn towards the dining table. There's a plate with pancakes and syrup on it. I touch it. It's cold to the touch. I hate cold food. My anger returns.

"There's no time to eat it here. Eat in the car. Mummy is already waiting for us. Carry it and let's go." He leaves.

I guess my mom is taking us to school because she feels better. That's good. I love car rides with my mom. My anger dissipates again. What's the point in ruining my day?

I carry my plate and the house keys. Nnamdi is already opening the gate for my mom to drive out. I make sure everywhere is locked. Then I slam the door behind me and lock it. My dad has obviously already left. This makes it two days that I haven't seen him. I don't even know when he came home yesterday.

I walk out of the compound and lock the gate, tossing the keys to Nnamdi who enters the front passenger seat and hands it to my mom.

Right before I enter the car, I think.

Today will be a good day.


Despite the fact that we left the house late, we arrive in school five minutes before assembly. We even had morning devotion in the car. See? Good things always happen when my mom drives us to school.

When I get to my class, not many people are there. I guess my new classmates are latecomers.

I drop my bag inside one of the cubbyholes of the shelf by the side of the class. I didn't take that many books home because there wasn't that much to read. I only even took books home to seem serious because how can I go home with an empty bag?

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