Comfort Kisses - Yuuji Itadori

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So, gender dysphoria kicked hard for me today, and because of that, this chapter is a bit short. I hope you enjoy it none the less!

Warning: this chapter actually is about gender dysphoria, so if anyone is uncomfortable with mentions of that, you can click off here :)

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"Yuuji?" You popped your head into the room, spotting the pink-haired boy hunched over his desk, writing something. He was listening to music, so he didn't hear you and you let yourself in, walking over to him and waiting for him to notice you. 

After a while, he did.

"Woah!" Yuuji jumped when he saw you standing next to him. "Since when are you here? I didn't notice you come in?" He asked, standing up and taking your small hand in his big one, rubbing circles on it with his thumb instinctively. 

"It's just..." you sighed. "Gender dysphoria kicked in again..." you looked at the ground, feeling him put his arms around you, to give you a warm and well needed hug. "It's alright, I'm here for you. We can talk about it if you want?" He asked, leaning back to look at you, smiling softly. You nodded and he guided you to his bed, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. "So, what was it this time?" 

You sighed and hugged him, putting your head on his chest and groaning. "It's just- I was buying clothes and people were staring at me strangely. I don't even know why I care about their opinions, but it's just so frustrating... Can't they just mind their own business?" you sighed again and looked at Yuuji, who was rubbing circles on your back, in hopes he could comfort you. 

"Why does gender have to be so complicated?" You asked. "I don't know, but"he pulled you to him and pressed a soft kiss on your lips, "I think you're perfect, just the way you are. And you don't have to change for anyone. Just do what you're comfortable with" he smiled, and you felt your heart melt away. 

You quietly thanked him, while burying your face into his neck. "You're perfect too, Yuuji. You're everything I could ever ask for" You heard him chuckle. "Oh please, you don't have to flatter me" 

"I'm serious, you dork!" you looked at him and puffed your cheeks, letting out a huff. He just laughed and leaned in to kiss you again, this time longer, while you grabbed his hair and his hands slid to your waist. When you pulled away, your breathing was ragged, and heavy. "Your shirt looks good, by the way." 

You looked at him, surprised by the sudden compliment. "Thanks, I didn't think you'd notice..." You looked away, but Yuuji turned your head, so you'd face him again. "I always notice what you wear. You're all I can look at, when we're together like this" he said, whispering. 

You felt your face heat up and leaned your head on his chest to hide the forming blush. "Stop" you groaned. "Nope" he laughed, and you lightly punched his chest with your fist. "Thanks for cheering me up... I feel a lot better now" you said. "No worries, that's what I do." You smiled, moving to look at him again and giving him a quick kiss before laying down, patting the space next to you. 

He did as you asked, and put his arms around you, sighing in satisfaction. "I love you" he mumbled, closing his eyes, and pressing one last kiss on your forehead, before drifting off to sleep. 

"I love you too, Yuuji." You kissed his neck, as you smiled, and took in his cologne (it smelled like peaches).Falling asleep next to him like this was your favorite thing in the whole world, and you wouldn't want to change it for anything.

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