Free days - Yuuji Itadori

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This is an xmale!reader in celebration of Pride Month! Happy Pride :D

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"I'm bored" You were laying on the couch in the shared dorm lounge, your legs dangled from the backrest, while your head was facing the TV. Yuuji was sitting next to you, his legs crossed and his hands playing with yours. 

"Well, you could always sit down properly and watch the movie instead of the ceiling." He chuckled, looking at you. You huffed and did as told. "You know what I mean. I don't want to lay around anymore. We did that the whole day already!"Yuuji pulled you, so you sat in his lap, leaning his head on your shoulder. 

"Suggest something to do, then." You thought for a minute. You didn't want to go outside or do anything physically exhausting. You could play some games? That was always a choice, but you felt that was another excuse for being lazy. You wanted to do something productive. 

Your growling tummy snapped you out of your thoughts. "I'm hungry" Yuuji laughed, and pushed you off him, so you stood up. He followed short after, heading to the kitchen. "Then let's cook something!"You followed him, content with the idea. 

"Nice! Can't wait to taste that sweet, sweet food, that we cooked with all our love!" You puckered your lips, making your boyfriend laugh. "Especially if it's your love" you cooed, kissing his temple. 

"Alright, let's get to cooking..." He trailed off, blushing and avoiding eye contact. It was cute, he was cute. 

"So, what do you want to eat?" "Wait, let's see what we have in stock" you opened the refrigerator, spotting some vegetables and pork."I found Noodles! We could make ramen!" Yuuji suggested, to which you nodded. "Sure, we also have pork, so that's good. Doesn't seem like we need to buy anything else. Do we still have spice?" "Yup! We're all good on ingredients." 

You nodded, taking everything you needed, and put it on the counter the blonde was standing at. He was pouring water in a pot and then turned on the stove, boiling the water to soon put the noodles in. Meanwhile you were cutting the onions and other vegetables, also taking care of the pork. 

After a while, you were pretty much done, so you just needed to wait for the noodles to be done. "Do you want to make pudding for dessert?" Yuuji asked, holding up two packages of pudding-mixture. 

 "Yes! Can we make vanilla?" You smiled, jumping up a bit. "Sure" He smiled, patting your head to calm you down and getting another pot for the dessert. You got the milk from the fridge and after a while, the yummy treat was stirring in the pot. 

"You think we used enough sugar?" Yuuji asked. "We won't know if we don't try!" You put your finger in the pot and licked it to taste. "Hmm, yes that's definitely enough sugar. Tastes great!"

 You looked at your boyfriend who was staring at you, kind of dazed, but also showing a hint of concern. "What?""I'm really surprised that didn't burn your finger. And..." he trailed off. You raised an eyebrow. 

"And what, Yuuji?" He blushed looking away. "That was... um..."Realization struck you and you smiled smugly. "Oh, so that's what got you flustered. Really, babe? Come on..." You put your arms around his hips and leaned in to kiss him. "Thinking so dirty this early in the day..." 

"It's 5 PM though..." he put his head in the crook of your neck, hiding from your gaze and making you laugh. "Don't worry, I'm just teasing love" "You better be..." 

. . . . .

 "So, are the noodles ready yet?" you went back to sit on the sofa, now looking over at the pot, not wanting to wait any longer."Let's see" Yuuji went back to the stove and prepared everything, by which I mean, he put all the ingredients together into two bowls to make the ramen.

He turned the stove off and put the pudding in two different bowls, leaving them on the counter to cool off a bit.Then he went over to you and handed you a bowl. "Thank you" "No problem, love" 

He sat down next to you and put on a random show you two could watch while eating.You mostly ate in silence, enjoying your food. There were comments to what was happening on the screen here and there, and the usual hum from you, signaling him you enjoyed the ramen. 

"I wasn't wrong when I said your food is the best, Yuuji. This tastes great!" He chuckled and kissed your head. "I'm glad you like it" 

After finishing, Yuuji waited for you to eat up, and brought the bowls back to the kitchen. He returned with the pudding and suggested to eat in your room. You agreed and followed him. Upon arriving at your room, you sat down on the bed and ate.

 . . . . . 

30 minutes later, you and Yuuji were comfortably laying on your bed, cuddling into each other. "Have I ever told you that I love your food?" The blonde chuckled, nestling his head into your chest. "Yes, you have. Especially today" 

"Have I? I didn't notice" You joked and stroked his hair. "Have I ever told you that you're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for?" he asked in return. "No, I think you didn't yet" you breathed out a laugh when he looked up at you. 

"Really? Then I'll have to change that." Yuuji gently grabbed your chin so he could press his lips on yours. He tasted like vanilla, due to the dessert both of you had just a while ago."You're the best, Y/N. The best boyfriend I could ever ask for." 

He grabbed your arm, that was holding his waist, so he could press another kiss on your hand. He turned you on your back, hovering over you and peppering your neck with even more kisses. You hummed in satisfaction. 

"You're the best I could ever ask for as well, Yuuji" you put your hand on his shoulder, pushing him up a bit so you could look into his eyes. "I love you so much" you pulled him back down, pressing your lips together.He pulled away and laid down next to you again. 

"I love you too. So, so much"

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This was a pain to write. I will never write about making food again...

Hope you still enjoyed it! :D

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