Chapter 5

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" Charlotte just woke up and is sobbing for you, Carina" Helm told the trio.  

"Me? I don't know any child named Charlotte.  What the Fuck, Helm?"

"When Charlotte first woke up, she was crying Maya's name over and over again.  She said I have to see Maya.  I told her that Maya was hurt and couldn't see her. She said then I need C'rina.  Maya told me that if she was hurt and couldn't help me, to ask for C'rina."

Andy turned to Carina and started to tear up.  "Carina go to Pediatrics, see this little girl.   Maya..."

"Maya, what?  Sacrificed herself for this little girl.  I don't want to see the child that may have killed my wife."

Andy realized that Carina was in no shape to comfort anyone else, especially this little girl.  "I'll go." and Andy followed Help up to Pediatrics. 

It was at this point that Miranda Bailey walked over to Carina.  Carina looked like she would blow over if the wind was too strong.  She was terrified that Bailey had bad news. "Is Maya..?"

"She survived the surgery.  It was touch and go.  She has a burns on her left side, a broken arm, broken ribs, punctured lung and her heart was having some issues.  We took her spleen and part of her liver.  She's in recovery.  If she lives through the night, we have some hope." Bailey quietly said to her friend.  She knew it was harsh and that every word she was saying was breaking Carina's heart a little more, but she wasn't going to lie to Carina.  Maya was in bad shape.  She very well could die in the next few hours.  Carina could not have false hope like she did with Andrew.

"I can't do this again." Carina cried as she ran out of the waiting room, down the stairs and into the street.  "I can't lose someone else." Jack rushed after her and held her as she kneeled on the street sobbing until she had no more tears.  Jack knew there was nothing that he could say to help her get through this.  He just had to be there for his friend. 

Meanwhile Andy walked into Charlotte's room.  Charlotte looked so small in the bed, her curly brown hair splayed behind her head.  "You're not C'rina," whined Charlotte.  "You're a firefighter. I need C'rina. She's a doctor"  Charlotte knew that C'rina would make everything better.  That's what Maya said when she saved her.  Maya told her that C'rina was her favorite person in the world and that no matter what was wrong, she could make it all better. Charlotte hope Maya was ok. She didn't think that she had anybody else in the world other than Maya.  A lady came in before and told her that her mommy and daddy were dead. So she was all alone.  

"I want C'rina. Maya told me C'rina fixes everything. Firelady get me C'rina."

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