Chapter 11

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Stefania sat by Charlotte's bed and watched her sleep.  She was precious, but even in sleep you could tell she was sad.  She looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.  Charlotte slowly opened her eyes and felt someone staring at her.  She looked up and it was Stefania.  "C'rina" she whispered.  She was embarrassed because she knew that she shouldn't have left her room and gone down to find her, but she was so alone, and she missed her mommy and daddy so much. 

"Hi Bambina. How are you feeling?" Carina saw the tears begin to roll down the little girl's face.

"I want my mommy and daddy." Charlotte began to cry in earnest now. Carina held her hand tight and sang her the Italian lullaby her mother had always sung to her when she was sad.  Charlotte drifted off to sleep. Carina looked at her sweet face and wondered what it would be like to be her mom.  Could she and maya do it or worse, could she do it alone.   Maybe there was a grandma or an aunt who would be better suited. All Carina knew now was that she was the only one there for her now.  

As Carina sat there thinking, she felt her phone buzz.  She looked down and it was Andy. -Come now - the text said. Carina ran out of that hospital room like it was on fire.  She quickly yelled back to the nurse "watch her".  She finally got to Maya's floor and didn't know what to expect as she got closer to the room. Would Maya be there, or in surgery, or dead? Did she lose another person she loved without saying goodbye? She could barely enter the room as her feet were frozen with dread.

Andy noticed Carina hovering outside the room, with tears in her eyes. "Come quick, Carina.  Come! It's Maya! She's awake!"

The words that Carina heard were not registering.  Her mind was racing as she raced into the room and there Maya was with her beautiful blue eyes.   Carina could barely stand. Bailey noticed that Carina was about ready to fall, and she ran over to her to steady her. "Hi" Maya said is a raspy, weak voice. 

"Bambina. Oh bambina you're awake. I can't believe it. You're awake." Carina was now seated next to Maya, crying so hard that maya could feel the wetness on her arms. Carina saw that Maya was fighting sleep.  "Sleep bambina. I'll be here when you wake up." 

But maya, being the stubborn firefighter she was, continued to fight sleep.  "Charlotte. Carina did you meet Charlotte? Is she ok." 

"Yes, Maya. She's ok. Our girl is ok." Maya, even in her foggy, drugged brain, couldn't help but notice Carina use the word our.  Andy and Bailey were shocked as well.  What happened in the few hours since Carina refused to see the little girl?

Maya drifted back to sleep holding on to her beautiful wife's hand.  Bailey turned to Carina. "I don't want you to get too excited.  It is great that Maya is awake and talking, but she has a long road of recovery ahead of her.  I am not going to sugarcoat this, Carina.  Maya's heart  stopped on the table multiple times.  They were ready to call it." Bailey hated doing this to Carina, but even though she was a Doctor, she needed to hear it.

"I'm not an idiota, Bailey. I am very aware that my wife almost died and that she may still, but thanks for reminding me at the first bit of happiness I've felt in 24 hours. Please leave us so I can be alone with my wife." With that statement, she sat down held Maya's hand and waited for Bailey and Andy to leave.  Carina felt like she could breathe again. Maya was awake. Her wife was finally awake.

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