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kazuha's hopeful expression falters, and he hates himself for the first thought that had entered his head upon seeing gorou open the door to your house.

'no, y/n didn't sleep with one of my best friends.'  he tries to convince himself, but the fact that he was one of your friends too was not helping in the slightest.

he shakes his head. he's a horrible person for assuming such things about you.

gorou's turquoise eyes look tired, agitated, and a handful of negative emotions kazuha can no longer name. just what was really going on?

upon catching sight of kokomi's unmistakable pink hair, gorou's eyes light up the slightest bit, before they land on kazuha, and he starts to look just as agitated as he did when he opened the door.

kokomi, bewildered by the unexpected appearance, is the first to crack a question.

"gorou!" she greets him. "what are you doing here?"

when she doesn't get a reply, her eyes curiously wander to kazuha's form infront of her, and the realization hits her like a truck.

gorou, alone, with you, just a few days after your fight with kazuha. yikes.

"gorou." a voice erupts from inside the spacy apartment, the owner sounding like they havent gotten sleep in days. footsteps that kazuha are all to familiar with become audible, and he resists the urge to pick himself up and flee this mess of a situation. "who-"

the person freezes.

"y/n." kokomi awkwardly greets, and a loud silence starts to float around the area. too stricken by kazuha's appearance, you clear your throat and send kokomi a little nod back.

your eyes float over to where kazuha stands, his eyes glued to the floor while he delicately fidgeted with his slender fingers. completely unable to look you in the eye.

"i just.. wanted to apologize for kicking you out the other day. i doubt you remember anything- but still-"

"no, i do." you nod. "it's alright, i was drunk. i didn't mean my actions in the slightest."


kokomi doesn't miss the way kazuha's eyes widen, and gorou almost scoffs at the scene, acting nothing like how he usually did so.

"if you don't mind, we have business to attend to." gorou speaks up, lacing his words with too much venom for kazuha's liking. said boy takes one last subtle look at kokomi, and shuts the door on them.

kazuha did not miss the way gorou had acted almost viciously towards him, and neither did he miss how you still smelled of alcohol.

you're intoxicated again.

he wants to knock on the door again, reprimand you for drinking an alarming amount, maybe coddle you and make you promise to never do it again.

but who was he to say anything? he was no longer your kazuha, and nothing could hurt him more. but what made the sting in his heart burn even further was the confirmation you had given him.

the confirmation that you no longer loved him, and that he was still madly in love with you.

drowning out the worried shrieks of kokomi, kazuha was now left with a thousand more questions than he originally had.

something was terribly, terribly wrong.

STRANGERS AGAIN [k. kazuha]Where stories live. Discover now