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"how have you been doing, dear?" kazuha's mother smiles wholeheartedly, leaning down to give her son a kiss on the cheek.

his father followed from behind her, giving kazuha a hug. "you better be doing well with those classes of yours." he teases.

"i am, pa." the ivory haired boy replies, making sure to respectfully lower his head at his parents before entering their house.

he lover his parents very much, but dinner with them was the last thing he needed at the moment. he almost wonders why he didnt decline when he had received a call from his mother, requesting that he visited them.

much to kokomi's (who was with him at the time.) dismay, he had accepted with minimal hesitation, despite what he was going through.

"you're awfully quiet." his mother mumbles, but decides against pressing him further. "no matter, i made sure to make your favorite!"

love. his parents had always raised him with just that, showering him with love and affection twenty-four seven. kazuha could not be any more greatful.

there were a few rough patches in his childhood, like when his parent's marriage had spent years in a dark place. arguments were common, and ten year old kazuha was no stranger to screaming matches in the latest parts of the night, or the crack of dawn.

eventually, his parents had mellowed out for their only son's sake, and all was well after countless efforts to fix their marriage. in a way, kazuha found his parents' resilience admirable.

aside from that, kazuha could not find anything bad about his childhood. they were not rich, but they had never struggled financially.

but despite the fact his parents always treated him with utmost kindness, something was odd about how they were being so gentle. too nice, even. he takes a deep breath, and sits across his parents on the dinner table.

his father pauses, before sighing and speaking up.

"we heard about the engagement. we're so sorry."


his mother cocks her head at kazuha, eyebrows furrowed. "y/n and gor-" then it hit her. her son didn't know.

kazuha's face pales up in realization, and he abruptly puts his fork down, no longer in the mood to eat anything. 'i think i'm gonna be sick.'


you wanted to run away.

maybe it was the way your new fiancé was pacing in front of you, or his angry expression, looking so angry that you felt that your he could lash out at any minute.

"i don't know why you're looking at me like this whole thing is my fault." you say, arms crossed in irritation at his abnormal behavior.

he refuses to respond, continuing to pace despite your words.

"you're acting like a child, gorou." you press, using your arms to lift you up from your sitting position on your couch.

he stops pacing abruptly, and he turns his head to look at you, now void of any emotion besides agitation.

"so you're implying this is my fault? funny you say that, especially since it's yours."

"oh i'm sorry, remind me as to why this is my fault again?!" you lash out, tears welling up in your eyes at the very boy who used to be your friend's ignorance.

"because if your parents didn't press for an engagement, none of this wouldn't have happened! i love kokomi! you know this." he heatedly argues back,

"and i love kazuha, but you don't see me blaming you for this relationship, do you?"

"what relationship?! and if i didn't make it clear enough to you, it was your parents who pressed for this engagement, not mine!" gorou exclaims, exasperated.

"how ignorant can you be?! my parent's decisions aren't mine."

"aren't yours? hah, for all i know you could've asked your parents to-"

"..what did you just say?" you tremble in anger, no longer able to hold back your tears. you wanted to send a punch the person infront of you, because he was surely no longer the man used to know.

"i said," he starts off, walking towards you and grabbing your jaw in his hand. "you probably asked your parents to press for the engagement, did you? you little attention whore."

your heart broke into a million pieces.

who was he to accuse you of being in love with him when in reality, your heart belonged to another? who gave him the audacity to hold you like this, and call you an attention whore?

you slap his hand away, and he huffs in anger before storming towards the door and exiting your home.

wiping your tears away with your hands, you all to your knees, not at all caring about the damage you could cause to yourself at the moment.

how cruel of the universe to have done this to you.

STRANGERS AGAIN [k. kazuha]Where stories live. Discover now