Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next morning, Madeleine walked down to meet her uncle at the breakfast table as usual

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The next morning, Madeleine walked down to meet her uncle at the breakfast table as usual. She did not feel the need to fake a smile this time, for she felt quite irritated with him not letting her see Benedict and sending her to her room like a child. She noticed that he seemed to share the same sentiment, not offering her a polite smile or greeting this time. Rather, he set down his newspaper as she entered and watched her as she sat down.

"We need to have a talk." His voice was serious and Madeleine did not look up at him, busying herself with the plate in front of her.

"Madeleine, look at me when I am speaking to you." He ordered, making her sigh and look up at him with an eyebrow raised. "There will be no more sneaking around to meet that boy. It is of no use anyway, for you will not be engaging with him from this point forward."

Madeleine's eyes widened in anger and she stared at him incredulously. "I'm sorry, what?!"

"You will not marry Benedict Bridgerton. You will not speak to him, you will not engage with him in any manner. That is what is best for you." His tone was calm, as if what he was saying was simply a matter of fact. She glared and stood from the table, unable to believe what she was hearing.

"That is utterly ridiculous! Benedict is my friend and you cannot forbid me to see him!" She raised her voice, anger present in her tone. Her uncle stood as well, stalking toward her with a rather terrifying look on his face.

"I can do whatever I so please as your guardian and you are to listen to me and abide by what I decide is best for you." He snarled and she glowered up at him.

"You have no idea what is best for me, you do not even know me! You are just a cold-hearted man who came into my life and ruined it and I hate you for that! I will never listen to you so long as I-" Madeleine was interrupted by a sharp impact to her face and she stumbled back, raising a hand up to her cheek and looking at the man with shocked eyes.

"D-did you just hit me?" Tears of pain pricked at her eyes and her lips parted, unable to believe he had just done that. The man walked closer, towering over her as she stumbled back in fear.

"You will not marry Benedict Bridgerton. You will marry a man who knows that love has no business in a marriage. You will bear children and you will carry on the family line, which is all you women are good for. That is your purpose in this society." His eyes darkened and he stepped even closer, his voice low, as she pressed back against the wall.

"And if you refuse, I will destroy your reputation and your name will be removed your family's estate. You will be forced to flee this town and live the rest of your life as a filthy prostitute begging for pennies on the street." His voice and eyes were terrifying, and Madeleine felt like she was shrinking under his horrid stare.

Tears pricked at her eyes and she pushed past him, running up to her room and locking the door. She slid to the ground, wrapping her arms around herself as her body racked with silent sobs. She clapped her hand over her mouth to keep quiet and tears rushed down her cheeks. She knew she had no choice but to do what he said, he had the power to absolutely destroy her life.

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