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Riki pov

The whole night was a blur after that. All I remember is sirens, blood and the screaming and crying from everyone. I might have been crying but I don't remember.

I ended up in the hospital. I don't remember how. Sunoo and Jungwon were crying while Heeseung just sat there, blank expression.

I woke up and Jungwon and Sunoo were a mess. It looked like they had been crying forever.

Then I remembered.

Sunghoons head.

Jake going crazy.

Jays throat being cut.

I felt like I was going to be sick. We're thay ok? They only people here were. Heeseung, Sunoo, Jungwon and I.

I shook Sunoo awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked around he might've been confused on what happened.

"Riki oh my god are you ok" he asked jumping to his feet holding the side if my face.

"Yes Sunoo don't worry I'm fine" I said. His eyes filled with tears and he hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad your ok" he said. I let me feel his warmth. I let myself feel the comfort he was giving to me before I pulled away.

"How is everyone?" I asked scared for the answer. Sunoo cried while speaking.

"I-i don't know. H-heeseung just sits t-there doing nothing. J-jungwon won't s-stop crying. I-i'm a mess. I d-dont know if J-jay is ok and n-no one has h-hears anything about S-sunghoon" after Sunoo stuttered out his explanation I pulled him into a hug.

"Oh Sunoo I'm so sorry. Not Jay" I said wanting to cry but I had no energy to try.

"I just can't lose him" Sunoo said and I sat him down.

"Everything will be fine. Just calm down your a mess" I said wiping his tears.

I went over to Heeseung. I waved my hand in front of his face it took him a minute to register it was me.

"Riki? Riki! Oh my god your ok" he said hugging me.

"Yeah I'm fine. We should be worried about Sunoo and Jungwon" I said and Heeseung looked confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I was really upset I had to explain.

"Jays throat was cut. We don't know if he's ok." I said and Heeseung sighed a heavy sigh.

"Shit. Sorry Riki. Just ever since last night I just can't-" his voice faltered but I understood.

"Yeah same" I said just then a doctor came out.

"Hello are you the friends of Sunghoon?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well you can visit him now" the doctor said.

I ran right past hi t I see Sunghoon.

I went near him and he smiled at me widely.

"Oh Sunghoon I was so worried. Are ok? I didn't know you were there" I said and he smiled and nodded.

"Riki I'm ok" he said caressing my cheek.

"Ok ok yeah your right it's fine" I said and Sunghoon looked around as to try to see everyone else.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Heeseung is in shock. Jungwons asleep. Sunoo is... Well he's getting by" I said and he nodded but then looked confused.

"What about Jay?"

"Um Jake he um slit his throat we don't know what's going on with him" I sais feeling my eyes fill with tears.

"Oh fuck" he said.

He brought my head down to kiss me on the lips.

"It's going to be ok. Go see our friends make sure there ok" Sunghoon said.

"What about you" I asked holding his hand.

"I'll be fine" he said so I went out to see everyone.

Heeseung seemed to come back to his senses. Sunoo was calmer. Jungwon looked to tired to even think.

I was waiting with my friends when another doctor came out. He asked us a few things about Jay.

His expression went blank.

"His throat was cut very deep...

"We tried really hard but....

"I'm sorry"


Guys this reacher 2k how?! I never liked this idea and thought about deleting it so many times.

So thank you so much

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