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Riki pov

"I-I'm sorry?" I questioned "what does that mean?"

"I'm sorry but he didn't make it." The doctor said and it felt like the world stopped spinning.

I looked over at Heeseung who looked back at me with the same shocked expression.

I looked back over at Sunoo and Jungwon. I've never seen them look so broken.

"Maybe you four should go home and get some rest. It looks like you've been through a lot" the doctor said before leaving.

The car ride was silent until Jungwon burst into tears in the backseat, startling the whole car.

"T-that's my brother" he cried. Oh god. I have been so wrapped up in everything I totally forgot.

Jay is Jungwons brother.

"Oh god Jungwon I totally forgot" I said. I was so pissed we were in the car I wanted to hug him so bad.

Sunoo was surprisingly calm for just losing his boyfriend. Well, maybe not calm, just too tired to be able to feel anything.

I understand that feeling.

Sunoo held Jungwons hand. Jungwon cried. Sunoo looked lifeless. Heeseung just drove. And I tried to wrap my head around everything that had happened.

"What about Sunghoon?" I said panicked and Heeseung smiled at me.

"He's fine. But just like all of us he needs rest. We can go see him tomorrow once we've gotten some sleep" Heeseung said. I nodded and looked out my window.

Time skip

We were back at home now. Jungwon was sitting on his bed crying so I went over and hugged him.

"H-he's my brother" he cried while hugging me.

"I know. You need some rest. Your over tired" I said wiping his tears. It wasn't much use though since his tears just kept flowing.

"O-ok" he said and let go of the hug but held my hand.

Right before he was about to talk Sunoo came in. He held his pillow and stared into the distance. I swear he hasn't blinked since we got home.

Sunoo claimed into Jungwons bed and sat there. Still not blinking.

Jungwon hugged Sunoo before letting go and talking to me.

"Can you stay with us" he asked pointing at himself and Sunoo.

"Yes I'll stay" I agreed.

I sat at the end of the bed. I listened to Jungwon cry. Sunoo cried but silently.

It hurt. I don't like seeing them cry. But who could blame them. Sunoo lost his boyfriend and Jungwon lost his brother.

After a while I ended up falling asleep.

Time skip~ morning

I woke up at the foot of Jungwons bed. Sunoo was still in here with Jungwon. They were both asleep and I didn't want to bother them.

I left the room and called Sunghoon hoping he was awake.

"Hi Riki. I had a feeling it would be you" Sunghoon answered. I almost wanted to tear up in joy.

"Oh Sunghoon your ok" I said happily and he chuckled on the other line.

"Yes I'm fine" he answered.

"Have you heard about Jay?" I asked hoping he knew. I didn't want to tell him.

"Oh fuck yeah I did. How's Jungwon and Sunoo they must be dying" Sunghoon said I nodded even though he could see it.

"Yeah their pretty torn. Their still sleeping I'm going to leave them. They were over tired." I said.

"Ok when will I see you" Sunghoon asked.

"Hopefully today" I said.

We talked for a bit then Jungwon came out of the room.

"Sunoos crying" Jungwon said rubbing his eyes.

I practically ran to the room to see Sunoo crying.

"Hey Sunoo what's wrong?" I asked.

"I-i can't do it by myself" Sunoo said through cries.

"You can't what?" I asked wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"I cant-"


Hahahahaha cliffhanger.

I'll update tomorrow don't worry.

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