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Sunoo pov

"I-i can't raise a baby by myself" I cried to Riki. Jungwon was standing at the door.

"You what?" Riki asked and I nodded.

"Yep I'm pregnant" I said crying.

You read it right. In pregnant. I found out only a week ago but it turns out I had been pregnant for a month.

I was planning on telling Jay but then we had to go find Sunghoon and then Jay...you know.

"Sunoo how haven't you told us?" Riki said holding onto the shoulder.

"I-i don't know. It was a shock for me." I said wiping my tears away.

"Your gonna have a baby?" Jungwon asked at the door. The once tired boy now was wide awake.

"Yeah I am." I said nodding.

"And its-" Riki was asking.

"It's Jays of course" I said sadly. "I can't do it alone"

"Your not alone you have us" Jungwon said coming over to hug me.

"Yeah it's going to be fine" Riki said reassuringly. But I wasn't reassured.

"What about the baby? It's not going to have it's dad in it's life" I said feeling like I wanted to cry.

"I-i don't know" Riki said truthfully. There is nothing he could say to make me feel better.

"Jay has been talking forever about having a baby and now I'm pregnant but he's not going to be here" I said sadly.

"Oh Sunoo. And you said you've been pregnant for a month! So you went to save Sunghoon like that?" Riki asked in disbelief.

"I never thought about it" I said truthfully.

"How have you been feeling?" Jungwon asked who mostly just sat their and watched.

"Ok I guess. I mean everyday is different" I answered.

"Wow your really having a baby" Riki said it seems like he has been so wrapped up in the sad part about Jay he hasn't realized this is good.

"Yeah I am. I'm happy. It's going to be ok. Just how will I explain it to the baby. What actually happened to it's dad?" I asked. Was I supposed to tell my kid that their dad was murdered by a psycho who was in love with their uncle.

"That's in years Sunoo you'll have time" Riki said. I smiled at him. Rikis my rock. It seems like he has a happy ending to everything.

Just then I felt a hand reach around and touch my stomach. It was Jungwon. We has smiling.

"It's good" Jungwon said with a smile. He has been giving short answers ever since we found out about his brother.

I held his hand and smiled. I mouthed thank you and he nodded.

"Do you know the gender?" He asked. Which is honestly the most I've heard him speak since yesterday.

"No not yet I think I have to wait a bit longer" I answered.

"What are you hoping for?" Riki asked. I shrugged.

"Just a healthy baby. I really don't mind." I said and Riki smiled at me.

"That's so you" he said and I shrugged.

"I mean I've been thinking of a name if it was a boy. I think it has more meaning now." I said smiling. I knew they were going to ask. But I wasn't saying.

"What is it?" Jungwon asked.

"It's a surprise" I said and Rikis happy expression dropped.

"Come on your going to make me wait. After you say it ahs lots of meaning?" He said and I laughed.

"Thank you guys. You made me see this as the good thing it is" I said and Jungwon tilted his head in confusion.

"You didn't think it was good before" he asked.

"I just focused more on the fact that the baby wouldn't have another dad." I said.

"That's understandable. Have you been to the doctors at all" Riki asked and I shook my head no. "Don't you think you should do that?"

"Don't worry I'm going today. Aren't you going to see Sunghoon?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes I'm going I just wanted to make sure you were going to be ok before I left" Riki said.

"Well I'm good now so go" I said and pushed Riki a bit and he laughed and got up.

"Ok ok I'm going"

I stayed with Jungwon for a bit. He has been amazing.

"I'm happy that your having a baby" he said.

"I am too. Why so suddenly?" I asked him.

"It'll be a good distraction from well you know" he said and I nodded.

"It sure will be"


Ok don't hate me. I seriously got this idea as I was writing the last chapter.

I thought this was going to be the last chapter but no.

I'm only thinking about 2-4 more chapters but we'll see I guess.

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