Chapter 9

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"I promise I'm fine." Valerie would say as she felt sick from last night. We all looked at her concerned the entire time. "Do you need anything?" We would ask as she kept refusing help. "Just leave." Valerie would say as Riley replied "Sure, see you all later." as we stopped her. "Why do you always do stupid things?" Kayla would ask as I tried to contain my laughter. "She said leave, so why can't I leave?" she'd reply as we told her to just leave. 

     She wouldn't hesitate as she would just walk out the door. We both sighed as we continued trying to help Valerie. "Why did you go to the bar last night?" I'd ask her, as she seemed reluctant to reply. "Please answer me." I'd say as I awaited an answer. "Why should I tell you? You're part of the problem." she'd say with a tone of frustration. 

     "What do you mean?" I'd ask as Kayla stayed silent in the corner. "Forget it." she'd reply as she stumbled out of the room and put her shoes on. "Valerie where are you going now?" I'd follow behind, asking her. "Losing my mind again, don't stop me this time." She'd reply as Kayla would try stopping her. "This is nobody's problem but your own." she'd say as she blocked off the entrance. 

     "What do you have that I don't?" Valerie would ask as she had tears in her eyes and fell on to the couch. We'd sit down right next to her. "What do you mean?" Kayla asked as I tried to listen. Valerie would begin sobbing as we both felt bad. "Just give me some wine." she would cry out as we refused. "We want to help you." I'd reply as she got irritated. 

     "The truth is, I kissed Hayley a few days before you two dated." Valerie would say as Kayla looked confused. "Is this true?" Kayla would ask me as I was shocked. "We were both tipsy, it was an emotional night for me." I'd say as I looked anxious. "I thought you liked it." Valerie would reply as me and Kayla looked at each other. 

     "It felt wrong to me." I'd say as Kayla stood quiet. "Do you love me or Valerie more?" Kayla would ask me as I was troubled. "Of course I love you." I'd say as tears began to develop. "I believe you, nothing else happened after we started dating?" she'd ask as we both replied no. Kayla would understand thankfully as we still had more issues to solve. 

     "That's besides the point." Valerie would get up and reply. "We were meant for each other, we have matching tats. Does that not mean anything to you?" she'd cry out. Kayla seemed uncomfortable as the room grew quiet. "We used to hang out together every single day Hayley. I don't understand why you're doing this to me." she'd say as she continued crying. 

     Me and Kayla would remain speechless as we had no idea what to say. "I'll be outside, just settle whatever is happening. Please." Kayla would say as she would go outside. "It was complicated Val." I'd say as I felt nervous. "We were besties, you couldn't keep your eyes off of me. What changed?" she'd ask, wiping the tears off of her eyes. 

     "I don't know what to say." I'd say in a hurry as I started tearing up again. "You and Kayla barely spoke in high school, I just don't get it." She'd say as she paced around the room. "Well you also kissed Riley that night." I'd reply as she shook her head. "The truth is, I was jealous. I wanted you to ask me out since the day we matched tats. You never did." as I felt the realization of what I did wrong.

     At this point I was distraught, confused on what to do. I couldn't break up with someone I loved. I felt there was no good solution to this problem. "I offered you a place before she did, what made you choose her?" she'd ask me as she sat back down. "She was the first person I saw, Val." I'd say as she shook her head. "I'm upset, Hayley. I always had your back, I drank wine as a way to cope, I just wanted you, and only you." she'd say as she walked to her room.

     The room would grow in silence as I'd sit there with conflicted feelings. I felt like a horrible person, but I was also just desperate for love that I let my emotions get the best of me. I would sit there for a while, lost in my thoughts. Coming up with no conclusions. Kayla would walk back in and sit back down. "Where did Valerie go?" she'd ask as I replied "In her room." as we began to chat more. 

     "Did you at least clear things up, or make a decision, or anything?" she'd ask as I still felt distraught. "I just don't know what's going on today." I'd say as I would barely be able to speak. "Just be honest." she'd say as I continued to sit there in silence. "You have time to make a decision, doesn't have to be right away." she'd continue as we both would head back home. "Make sure Valerie's okay first, can't leave her hanging." she'd say as I shook my head and walked up to her room."

     We're about to head back home." I'd say as Valerie was laying there, "Have fun, text me, or whatever. Please." she'd reply as I said "I promise." before heading out. Kayla would ask if she was okay, I assured her that she was fine as we both walked home. I'd still remain conflicted as I felt the pressure still picking me apart.

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