Chapter 11

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"Why did she walk away?" I'd ask as me and Valerie would sit down in the living room. "Did she not call or message you?" she'd reply as I'd look through my phone. "She didn't leave anything." I'd say as Valerie felt concerned. "I'm mad that she left me alone during that time." she'd say as she gradually grew frustrated. "I didn't think she would do that to me." I'd say, as I felt a little upset.

     "Try calling her and see if she picks up." she'd tell me as I quickly reached for my phone. I'd call her as the phone would keep ringing. "Went to voicemail." I'd say as she got annoyed. "I knew something was up here. Let's take my car and we can visit her house. She'd say, quickly getting dressed as I'd stand around waiting. She grabs her keys as we were heading out the door. We both go inside the car as she started driving us there.

     "She has a lot of explaining to do." She'd say angrily as I sat back and agreed with her. She would continue having a look of frustration most of the ride as we arrived at her house. "I'll handle this okay? Stay in the car." She'd tell me as I felt nervous. She'd knock at her door as Kayla quickly answered. "You left her side last night, she needed you, you do know that right?" she'd say, as the two got into an argument. "I already packed up her things, you can have her." Kayla would say as she threw the suitcase at her. "I'm done with everyone." She would say as I got out of the car.

     I'd rush over to help her as Kayla slammed the door. "Are you okay?" I'd ask as she grieved in pain. I'd help her up as she held onto her stomach. "I'm okay, let's just go back home." she'd say as I carried the suitcase and helped her walk to the car. We would stay silent throughout the ride as I felt emotional about what happened. I checked my phone to realize she also left the group chat. I'd put my phone away as we were almost at her house.

     She'd park the car as she looked back at me, "I'm extremely sorry that she did this." she'd say as she started coughing. I'd get teary eyed as I'd say "It's fine." as we both got out of the car and carried the suitcase inside. "I don't know why she's suddenly like this, but just know you're worth more than that." She'd tell me as I put the suitcase in her room. "She was never like that with me." I'd say as I opened the suitcase to unpack.

     She'd come to help me unpack as she hugged me for a moment. "I'm sorry about everything." She'd tell me with tears in her eyes. I'd tell her "It's okay, I just need time to heal from all of this." as she lets go. "I'll be there to help you with this." she'd tell me as we continued to unpack. "You didn't eat today did you?" She'd ask as I said "No I didn't." She would rush into the kitchen and make us both something while I'd finish unpacking.

     I'd lay in bed as I took the necklace off and stared at it for a bit. I quickly got emotional as I put it somewhere safe. I'd look up at the ceiling and took deep breathes. Valerie would eventually come inside and tell me dinner was done. We both went inside and ate together. When we were finished we went back to our room and laid there, looking up at the ceiling together.

     I'd ask if she wanted to take a walk together. She would be excited and say "Of course!" as I started smiling again. We would head out and walk for a while. "The stars look really gorgeous tonight." She'd say as I looked up with her. "They're really glowing bright tonight." I'd say as I looked amazed. We would walk under the bridge together as I felt the breeze go through my hair again. I'd sit down as she would join me.

     "I know it's too soon to ask this, but do you want to go out with me?" She'd ask as I looked around, this time I felt more confident with my decision. "Of course I do." I'd reply as we both shared smiles. She would laugh in excitement before she looked at me. We both stared at each other for a few minutes as our lips slowly got closer. I felt her sweet lips touch mine as we both shared this moment together. She'd wrap her arms around me as we continued to kiss, with each kiss I felt more in love.

     We slowly stopped and we both took in the moment as the cars above would drive along. "I'm really happy now." I'd say as I looked over at her. She'd laugh and smile and replied "I'm really glad you are, so am I." she'd say as we both hugged. I'd get a little emotional from earlier, but I felt my wish was received. With the stars glowing brighter than they have ever been before. I was blessed that it put me where I was meant to be again.

     "I'm still sorry about everything that happened lately." she would say as we both looked at each other. "It was a rollercoaster for sure." I'd say as I laughed. We would then see Kayla walking by as she confronted us both. Valerie would stand up in defense, as Kayla assured she wasn't here to cause more trouble. At this point we were all ears. 

     "I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night." she'd say as she seemed full of emotions. "I let my anger get the best of me, that might be why nobody really likes me." she'd say as she would sit next to us. "We both understand." Valerie would say as we tried our best to comfort her. "I see you also moved on, probably for the best." Kayla would say as I was left speechless. 

     "We both loved her Kayla, we both took things out of proportion." Valerie would reply as the two would hug. "We don't want you gone from the group chat either." she'd continue saying as Kayla would grab her phone. "I realized I was selfish by leaving, I'll rejoin right now." she'd say as Valerie would also grab her phone to invite her back. 

     "Sent you an invite." Valerie would tell Kayla as she thanked her. It seemed as the past was now behind us. "I hope we can all hang out more frequently." Kayla says as we all came together and shared a group hug. "You know it will." Valerie says as she laughed. Kayla, even though she would get emotional, would wish us both a long and happy relationship. We would thank Kayla as we all started to walk back home. "Let's hang out together, just like old times." I'd say as we all shared laughs while we were on our way once again.

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