My life

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Lan Minglan pov

I wake to the sun hitting my face and begin the same routine I always have. I got dressed, prepared and drank my morning tea, and went out. 

I start to walk to the classes but on my way I saw mother looking at a family of bunnies. "You miss him." I state. Mom looks at me with teary eyes before wiping them away.

My father the mighty Hanguang-Jun had been injured a few months back. He was protecting a village by himself but a sword was drawn and percid his chest. 

Turns out it was Suibian. 

My mothers sword.

People thought my mother tried to kill my father but the Lans stood by my mother as he was at Cloud Recess the entire day and  he didn't leave with him because he had to take care of some business here. Besides it was easily for people to easily turn on someone like my mother, a person who cultivates the Demonic Path, My uncle Jiang, also sided with my mother as he said my mom no longer had the skill to use a sword. 

Mother hugged me, breaking me out of my trance. I stiff at this as I have went into seclusion for 5 years. "Mo-"

"Your just like him." He cut me off. "Rule broken: never interrupt someone's speech." Mother pouts "Your to much like him." I sigh and grab Mother's sleeve and walked to the healing warden. "How is his condition?" Mother asks as the healing doctor appears.

The warden smiles and says "He's awake." 






"Really?!" Mother asked a smile adoring his face as tears start falling. The warden smiles and nods walking aside to see father upright. "Father," I bow in respect. While mother speed in and throw himself onto father crying what I assume to be tears of joy. I shake my head and walk away. After all my brother is still uninformed, I knock on his door, 




 I bow in respect then straighten myself and inspect him, after fathers injury brother wasn't himself. Locked in his office. Only went out to visit mother,  rarely eat and bath. 

"Father is awake."

 Brother's head shot up and like mother tried to speed to the Healing wared. Key word Tried 


 I stop him by his robe and said, I shake my hand as an dramatic effect to my words. I may be like my father but my mother still left his traits in me. He shakes his head and walks away from me. I look at a piece of paper and decide to write a note.


I am relieved you are awake, Get well soon. Unfortunately I am unable to tell you this in person as-'

I heard a carriage outside, I put down the paper and leave it to continue later. I see a midnight black horse outside with a carriage attached. I furrow my eyebrows a little and pat the horse's head as I try to lead it out after all, 

'Animals are probated in Cloud Recesses.'

 I suddenly feel tired and collapse,

Mirror, Mirror

who is the most-


of all.

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