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Pov  Lan Minglan

As I open my eyes  I am met with darkness, not the wooden ceiling I was familiar with. I blink reach out into the darkness only to find I'm in an enclosed in a small place. Muffled Voices stopped me from kicking open whatever was holding me. I also felt something cold against my arm, the muffled voices started to fade and I was left in silence. 

Then the door(?) open and outside I saw a birdman(?),

 "My goodness another student was missing from the..."

 I block out what he said next as I was questioning what he was talking about. 

"Come follow me." 

He starts to walk away as I step out of the 'prison'. I look back to see, Suibian, Bichen, Shuang, Chenqing and Firestorm. Luckily Firestorm was foldable so she was in my sleeves, Suibian and Bichen were on my sides, Chenqing was in my robe and Shuang I put in my puqin bag(?). I notice that instead of my blue snowy white robes I had on a purple clock with gold initials. 

I look up and the birdman was out of my sight so I speed walked to where i think he turned.

I see him talking to a somebody while holding a whip that was holding a flaming cat? I walk over to them, and make my appearance known. 

"Ah! Thank goodness I don't have to look all over the collage again for you."

 I replied with a simple 'mhm' and follow him as he walks away. 

"ALSO don't you know weapons are prohibited on school grounds!"

 I stay silent as I did not know that but to be fair I just got here. 

The person beside me asks the bird to the birdman

"Who are you?" 

  "Oh I guess the spell has some side effects on you, I'm Dire Crowley headmaster to Night Raven Collage."

 I look block out the conversation following until we reach a hall like area with people. A short red haired man shout; 

"Listen up! Here in Heartslabyuu. I am the rules break them and its off with your head!"

 'That sounds oppressing.' 

I thought an unpleasant frown scorned my lips as I narrow my eyes at the red haired male.

'But is Cloud Recesseases any better'

 My eyes shift to a tall dark skin man with cat ears a muttered;

"Ugh... the scruffy ceremony is finally over. Those for Savanahclaw. Follow me." 

'He's not taken his responsibility seriously.'

 A silver haired male with an unknown thing in front of his eyes then chimed in 

"To the new students, congratulations on getting to Night Raven Collage . Enjoy your time here to the fullest. As the dorm leader of Octavinelle, I support you to the best of my capabilities."

'As much as I like the greeting his aura and demeanor scream a different story.' 

My mind drifts off as I wonder why I'm here.

 'Mom's gonna kill my when I get back and what about dad he still needs to reco-'

 A loud bang made me look up sharply. I feared I jumped a little making me break a rule 

'Never slouch in Cloud Recesses and never lose your composure.. '

'I must copy the rules 1000 times.' 

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