One girls nightmare, another's dream

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Apologize for the previous upload   |


Lan Huo had finally finished the living room but she was covered in the dirt and grime of it. She walks out and picks up a bucket filled of water and starts to fill a bigger bucket, that she's gonna use for a tub. Huo sighs, 'What a day..' She drifts of into a daze as she sits there, unknown to her Yuu was walking through the halls looking for her so she can pick her room. 

"Hey Huo-" Yuu stops himself as he see's her in a bath resting with her eyes close, as much as he didn't want to look he couldn't help but admire the 'sleeping girl'. She was beautiful in ways he could not explain, before he can look farther he hurriedly turned around to avoid being caught staring. "Huo-sama, I came  to tell you that the bath is ready." 

Yuu stomped away fast the building started to shake. Huo oblivious of this rose and put on her inside robe that was luckily not dirty. She walked around and soon found a room with a porch. She walked in and started looking around. There were couches everywhere and no bed in sight She saw some sticks and a mattress flown to the side. Dirt was piled up along with leaves at the bottom of her feet that was enough to make her cringe when stepped on.

She shakes her head and starts to clean apart of her room with piling all the dirt behind the door before she grabs all the stuff she dubbed useful and starts to make a bed out of them. It wasn't her best bed but its the most she can do

 It wasn't her best bed but its the most she can do

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She puts the mattress on the the bed and gets on. As soon It hit 8:00 she was fast asleep.  

Huo pov

I see nothing but darkness. I look down to see I'm in my Heavenly/Dragon form(yes I'm aware her dragon form is a snake so just roll with it) I start to glide around to see another Dragon fly in front of me. I recognize the dragon as Great Grandmaster Lan in other words; Master Lan Quran. "A-Huo, where are you?" He asked eyes narrowing. I bow to Master Lan and respond I have been sucked into another world."

He raises his eyebrow and starts massage his Beard, "I see, I will inform Lan Wangji of this matter." Then he starts to glide away leaving me here, as soon as he is out of sight everything fades to black.


Im sorry for the short chap but im currently at school and my computer battery is at 9% so I had to hurry type I also had 0 ideas for this chap other than what was in the chap


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