Platform 9 3/4 and Sorting Hat

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(Next morning at king's cross station harry is walking across a bridge with hagrid pushing his cart. a couple passes harry and hagrid their gaze lingering on the giant)

"what're you looking at?"

(hagrid checks his watch

"Blimey! is that the time? sorry, harry I'm gonna have to leave you dumbledore be wantin' his uh...well he'll be wantin' to see me. now uh your train leaves in 10 minutes here's your ticket stick to it harry that's very important stick to your ticket"

(harry nods and looks at his ticket confused)

"Platform 93/4? but hagrid there must be a mistake this says platform 93/4 there's no such thing is there?"

(harry blinks in disbelief turning all around and finding hagrid gone)

hagrid cringes sheepishly as lily looks at harry

"how did you get onto the platform?"

harry just smiled and cuddled sahithi and said

"don't worry, mum I had some amazing people show me how"

(harry pushes his cart through the station looking for any sign of platform 23/4 soon enough he walks to a conductor who is helping a woman)

"excuse me excuse me"

"right on your left madam"

"excuse me, sir"

(the conductor looks at harry)

"Can you tell me where I might find platform 93/4"

"93/4? think you're bein' funny do you?"

(the conductor walks away shaking his head)

"Jame's son"


all the people laugh at this 

"It's the same every year packed with muggles of course come on"

(harry sees a woman with red hair along with a little girl with matching hair)


"platform 93/4 this way"

(harry follows from distance seeing four with ginger hair )

Fabian and Gideon's widen at the sight of all redheads sending suggestive looks to molly and Arthur

(the woman stops and turns to the boy harry stopping to observe)

"All right Percy you first "

charlie and tonks look confused "but Percy here" charlie points to the baby Percy in molly's arms bill shakes his head at two and says "no not that Percy the future Percy on the screen" the two three-year-olds open their mouths in realization at the five years olds statements, sahithi is looking at them in aww and whispers to harry

"I am missing the kids

"me to love but they will come when 3rd movie started"

she just hmm

(the oldest boy then pushes his cart, stands in front of the wall then walks towards disappearing through it. harry looks shocked, looking behind him seeing if anyone else saw that)

"Fred you next"

"he's not Fred I am!"

"honestly women you call yourself our mother"

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