The Chamber of Secrets

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The next day, Harry and Ron are visiting hermione in the hospital wing again. Harry sits on the bed.

Harry: Wish you were here, Hermione. We need you, now more than ever.

Hermione smiles at Harry as she hugs him

Hermione just lays there with her glossy facial expression as Ron sighs sadly. Harry rubs Hermione's left hand, feeling something in it, He looks down and removes her hand to discover a crumpled-up piece of paper, A library book page, which she carefully removes and straightens out.

" How did we not see that?"

"OMG, she ripped a page out of a book!"

"The world has ended !"

"that horror!"

Remus said " James, Sirius, and kings, i will ground you three"

Which made all laugh

Ron glances at the page

Ron: What's that?

Harry: Ron this is why hermione was in the library the day she was attacked

Harry glances at the page and then at ron as he gets up

Harry: Come on!

Harry and ron walk through the corridor as Harry reads from the page

Harry: Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this ain't serpent's eye, spiders flee before it

Harry looks at ron

Harry: Ron this is it. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. That's why i can hear it speak. It's a snake

" Holy Shit!"

Kiara said " So you're saying that the basilisk is beneath us right now?

Sahithi nod saying

" It's sleeping"

All looked at the floor scared

Ron: But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it no one's dead?

Harry thinks for a few seconds and then looks at the window

Harry: Because no one did look it in th eye. Not directly at least. Colin saw it through his Camera. Justin must've seen the basilisk through a nearly headless nick. Nick got the full blast of it but he's a ghost. He couldn't die again and Hermione had a mirror. I bet you anything she was using it to look around corners in case it came along

Ron: And Mrs. Norris? I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror, Harry

Harry thought about that and remembered

Harry: The water....there was water on the floor that night. She only saw the basilisk's reflection.

Ron nods, Harry takes another look at the page and then walks to a nearby torch to more easily read the page, running her finger along it as she reads

Harry: Spiders flee before it, it all fits

The mad eye starts to think how good auror would be

All three of them will be

Ron: But how's the Basilisk been getting around? A dirty snake someone would've seen it.

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