Borgin and Burkes

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Mrs.Weasley picks up a pot off the mantel

Mrs.Weasley: You first, Harry dear

Mrs.Weasley offers Harry a flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust. Harry frowns in confusion.

Sahithi pinched Harry's cheek cooing at him

" Aww look how cute you look when you look so confused"

he just growled at her playfully as she just laughs

Ron: But Harry never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum.

Harry: Floo Powder?

Mrs.Weasley: You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. If you go. That's it. Most of your head. That's right. Now, take your floor powder. That's it, Very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly.

As Harry was about to speak but he exhales a cloud of soot and starts coughing

Harry coughing: D-D-Diagonally

All their kids start to laugh which made the adults laugh except sahithi she just hugs harry smiling at him as he has a cute pout on his face.

She just peeks at his lips which made him smile at him

Kings, Remus, regulas, Niklaus, Elijah, Kol, and finn glare at the boy as they are protective of their daughter/goddaughter/adopted daughter/niece

Sahithi said " Lot of people just assume that Harry knows all about the magical stuff as him being Boy Who Lived but he is normal no maj guy who doesn't know about our world but yeah all just believe Dumbledore that he has magical training"

all the F.G., mikealsons, marauders, lily gang, and Slytherins gang glared at dumblebitch who is looking at sahithi angrily.

Niklaus said looking at Dumbledore with his vampire face fully displayed " If you don't stop glaring at my daughter you will lose your vision Gandalf"

Dumbledore flinched at that

Harry disappears in green smoke

Mrs.Weasley: What did he say dear?

Mr.Weasley: Diagonally

Mrs.Weasley: I thought he did

Harry landed on his face breaking his glasses. He stands up trying to dust the soot off his clothes, he starts to walk to the door but sees Draco and Lucius outside about to enter Harry runs and hides in a cabinet as she pulls the door, a tiny card swings into view: Crushing Cabinet

Draco and Lucius enter the store, ringing the bell that was on top of the door frame, notifying the owner

Lucius: Don't touch anything, Draco

Draco: Yes, Father

Mr.Borgin: Uh, Mr.Malfoy what a pleasure to see you again. and young Master Malfoy too. Delighted. I must show you, Just in today and very reasonably--

Lucius: I'm not buying today Borgin. I'm selling

Draco cuddled with Bonnie and his Scorpius

Bonnie knows how hard it is for him Scorpius looks confused but he just cuddled his father

Narcissa turns to lucius with a cold glare which made him shiver and shrink away

Narcissa said, " Why did you take our son to that horrible place you blond peacock?!!!!"

Andromeda, Regulas, Bellatrix, Lily, and Sirius just burst out laughing at that

Mr.Borgin: Selling?

Lucius: I have a few...ah...items at home that might prove embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like... You are ware no doubt that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids n private houses. There are even rumors of new Muggle Protection Act

Lucius unravels a roll of parchment and hands it to Borgin

Mr.Borgin: Hmm...Yes. I see...

Inside the cabinet, Harry realizes the walls are closing his eyes shift upward, the ceiling is dropping. Draco drifts to the hand of the glory and reaches out when..the hand grabs him. draco shrikes, managing to slip free, then calms, he eyes the hand with malicious glee

Draco groans into bonnies neck as all are laughing at that including Bonnie

He just playfully glare but it caused her to laugh even more

Draco: Can I have this?

Mr.Borgin: Ah, the Hand of Glory. Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunders. your son has fine taste, sir.

Lucius: Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr.Borgin. Though if his marks don't pickup-

Draco: It's not my fault the teachers have favorites. That Hermione Granger-

Lucius: I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam

All glared at Lucius which made him put his head down in shame.

Mr.Borgin: Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, I'm afraid.

Lucius: Not with me

Inside the cabinet, Harry's keens are up under her chin. borgin checks off one last time, then returns the parchment to lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nods.

Lucius: Vey good. I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow come, Draco.

They exit. As Borgin slips into the back room, the Crushing Cabinets doors fly open, Harry leaps free. Inside, the walls, floors, and ceiling snap shut! Borgin reappears, blinks curiously at Harry, then watches him race out. Once outside, Harry fixes his broken glasses to his face and eyes a street sign: KNOCKTURN ALLEY


"Run the hell out of there"


All shouted at Harry on the screen as it is not a place for children

Aged Witch: Not lost are you, my dear?

Harry wheels, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit witch. She was holding a tray of human fingernails


"I think I am going to be sick"


Sirius hide in Jasmine's neck which made her giggle at him.

Harry: I'm fine, thanks. I just-

Hagrid: Harry! What d'yer think yer doin'down'ere?

James and Lily said " Thank you Hagrid"

Hagrid just smiles and giggled when sahithi bounced near him and hugged him saying thank you 

all just smile at her.

Harry: Hagrid!

Hagrid knocks the tray from the cursing witch's hands and seizes Harry by the scruff of his neck, pulling along the potter and steering her away

Bonnie said " It looks like a mother taking her cub away"

Jasmine said " Well we all are hagrid kids he said himself"

Hagrid has torn at that as all the F.G smile at him

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